{ Chapter 10 }

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* Um, i'm trying really hard to make this good. but issues get in the way and updates get slow and stuff. i am triyng though. seriously. and um i'm making this chapter more realistic. like the first version of this story didn't really show much of how hunter was scarred mentally and this is going to. it makes me sad writing it, wah *


Chris had been pretty quiet for the rest of the day. He hadn't said a word to me and barely one to Hunter. Even when Hunter had blood shot eyes from crying and came to Chris for whatever reason, Chris just snapped at him. It was hard to watch. 

Before he left for work, he told me to call him if anything happened and that the women in the appartment across the hall would help if we needed anything. But it wasn't good enough. Because my Mom and Chris were having this stupid fight, I was basically having to look after Hunter. It wasn't fair on him or me. First off, he'd rather go to Chris for comfort and second, I wasn't his parent. 

He was family though; and I'd hate to see anything worse happen to him.

It was 1am and Hunter was asleep. His head was still hurting from the hangover so Chris told him to take 2 sleeping pills instead of one. After one he was tired, so two knocked him straight out. He was holding his blankets to his chest as if they were a person and was breathing softly. It was cute.

 I wasn't really tired. I tried to go to sleep when Hunter did 3 hours ago but I couldn't. I didn't know if it was because I was just feeling wide awake or because I felt like I had to physically watch him to make sure he was ok. 


Sometimes it really was easier to hate him.


I was slowly drifting into sleep when I heard whimpers coming from beside me. I slowly turned around to face Hunter's bed and saw that he was clutching at his hair way too tightly and slowly rocking himself back and forwards. His black hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat and he shivered into himself. The blankets had been kicked off onto the floor and that's when I realized that the bed sheets were wet.

I sighed to myself. I began to lift myself from my bed and wake Hunter up but before I could do this, he errupted into terrified screams and desperate cries. He struggled frantically as if someone where trying to hold him still yet no arms were around him. Then he kicked at the mattress and the tears fell out from his closed eyes.

"Hunter?!" I cried; rushing over to kneal at the edge of his bed. I pried his hands away from his face and held them tightly, trying my hardest to wake him up. "Hunter, come on. It's just a dream, Hunter. Please wake up? Hunter?!"

"Dad?!" He choked out in a strangled whimper. He tried his best to pull his hands away from mine but he wasn't strong enough right now. "Dad?!"

"Hunter!" I yelled, letting go of his hands and taking hold of his face. "Hunter, you need to wake up. You need to wake the fuck up Hunter, please?! Just wake the fuck up?!"

He shoved at me and it sent us both falling towards the floor. As I was already on it, I managed to block most of Hunter's fall and held back the tears as he pushed himself away from me. His eyes had bolted open now and they were terrified, scanning the room for enemies and crying hysterically.

"Hunter," I tried to reach for him but he slapped me away and wrapped his arms around himself. He pulled his knees up to his chest and burried his face in them. He proceeded to cry in this position for what felt like forever.

Eventually it sent me off as well. Seeing Hunter lying there, terrified and ashamed, crying and reliving the horrible things he had to go through. It was horrible to watch and it caused my eyes to water and soon later I was crying almost as much as Hunter. This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair on either of us. I shouldn't have to look after him and he shouldn't have to be in the care of a 15 year old girl. I could always comfort him but I had no idea what to do in situations like this.

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