A Walk in the Park

Start from the beginning

Besides the child right there of course. How that fact fell out of Severus's mind for even a second made no sense to him. This was a very big factor that literally changed EVERYTHING in his life!

Severus glanced back up at the duo, finding himself grimace as he witnessed them. It also didn't help that Harry being in Potter's hands emphasized just how similar the two looked.

"I just- I wanted to spend more time with Harry," James finally provided, gingerly placing a hand on the child- his son's- head.

Severus and Lily exchanged a glance, and he knew in an instance what she was going to suggest. Sadly, he didn't respond fast enough to prevent it.

He also may not have completely tried because, as a Slytherin, he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop Lily. He knew to quit while he was ahead.

"Well, Dumbledore suggested that Sev could show Harry around the campus since it's a free day today. Maybe you could join them?"

Harry gasped and grinned widely, resorting to nod rapidly to express his excitement. He wiggled around, forcing his daddy to reinforce his grip on the child so he wouldn't fall.

James, on the other hand, didn't respond immediately. He just looked at Lily, blinking. His eyes darted over to the Slytherin, who simply broke eye contact without saying anything, which surprised James. He would have expected the other to protest considering everything that happened so far in the day. "Uhm, yeah. I'd really enjoy that," he concluded.

Harry squealed, his arms gripping his daddy's. "Me and daddy and papa goin' outside an' we're goin' to play and have so much fun an'-" he continued, babbling on and on in excitement, and making Severus feel a confusion meld of emotions. He felt very heartwarmed and loving with how excited the boy was, but he also started to feel guilty as the boy went on. He knew he wouldn't enjoy the outing as much as Harry would hope.

"Anyway, Sev," Lily said, turning to address the Slytherin. "I'm going to stay here with Mary for now, but I think I'll drop by your room in the afternoon. Have fun without me, and tell me everything that happens, alright?" Lily gave him a pointed look, before waving goodbye to Harry and skipping back into the main part of the office.

"Bye-bye," Harry uttered softly, waving a small hand from his position in his Daddy's arms, before reaching out to his gobsmacked papa, who absentmindedly took the child while looking at the redhead's retreating back.

Next thing Severus knew, he was outside walking on the grass alongside the Great Lake with a child in his arms and motherf*cking Potter walking next to him. No wonder everyone was staring at them.

Harry didn't seem to mind from where he was being carried in the raven's arms. He was waving at the people behind the trio as he peeked above his papa's shoulder with his sparkling eyes.

Severus wanted so badly to yell at the man besides him and let all of his concerns spill onto the grass hill below, but all he could do was grit his teeth. And even that didn't work since Harry quite easily noticed the tenseness, expressing concern and making Severus feel guilty.

All of this turmoil because of him.

Severus could feel the Gryffindor beside him leaning closer, most likely to grab Harry (Severus couldn't tell since his eyes were stuck to the grassy floor), but Potter was halted when Severus stopped short.

Maybe Severus was clairvoyant, or maybe he just had a gram of a terror-filled self-preserving sixth sense, but somehow Severus knew something was about to go wrong. And when he raised his head his eyes rested on a certain pair, standing far enough that he wouldn't hear them easily but close enough for them to notice him easily, who were currently missing their leader and their pet rat.

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