Better Late Than Never, Right?

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GUys it's the end!!! God it's been a journey. I started this the first week of freshman year and I'm ending it the last week of senior year. Feels right (we don't talk about that year I was gone). It's not completely the end because I have an epilogue planned but who knows when I'll get that out. It's me, right? But anyway, please enjoy the last part of this story!

Also if you enjoyed my little blurbs at the beginning aka my ramblings you might enjoy my tumblr  (, if you wanna follow I won't object

Severus was late to the celebration in the hall. He knows he shouldn't be. But he couldn't bring himself to walk out of the door to their room for the last time. The last time- The last time he'd see Harry. The last time he'd be with Harry.

But knowing everyone was waiting, he gulped, and picked up Harry, who was in the best clothes out of the ones he had. He may as well return him as best as he can look.

Severus entered the Great Hall, and he felt the knife twisting again when he saw the large banner with "Good Bye Harry! We'll Miss You!" written on it.

The auror and unspeakable were waiting at the front of the hall, but were disgruntled when they heard the Headmaster declare that the first portion of the celebration would be Harry mingling with the crowd, with people saying their goodbyes.

Severus walked around in a haze, fake smile plastered on his face as he passed Harry around to people who cooed at him and hugged him. The professors even wanted a turn, as Harry had really endeared himself to them. Severus will be honest, seeing Professor McGonagall break her stern exterior to hug Harry was an entertaining, though strange, occurrence indeed.

"Alright." Dumbledore raised his hands. "It is now time for the portal to be opened."

Severus made to turn, dread seeping into him, but he saw James in front of him. He was looking much better than yesterday, though still not at his usual prime. As James took Harry from him, serious expression on his face, Severus realized that James hadn't interacted with Harry yet that day.

James hugged the boy tightly, bending into him as though protecting him and putting a hand in his hair. Much like Severus had done back in the Great Hall at the beginning of Harry's stay. "I'll miss you so much Harry." The boy just giggled and hugged him back.

After a few more seconds, James let go and gave him back to Severus, and his heart panged as he saw James with a sad, grim expression on his face. As Severus turned and walked towards the ministry officials, he knew his expression was very similar.

Using magic that Severus had no clue about (though he would've been very eager to learn, especially because it somehow involved a potion), the unspeakable opened a bright white oval portal in the air. Severus took a step back. It was nothing he'd ever seen before. He looked down, but Harry didn't seem to mind the portal at all. Always the brave Gryffindor.

Feeling the eyes on him, Severus stepped forward. He couldn't just let Harry go in alone. He needed to make sure the boy would be in the right place. So taking a deep breath, Severus entered the portal.

Severus exited into a homey, comfortable living room. The house had red decorations with white lining the walls and floor, which was hardwood.

But Severus could not take anything in as sitting in front of him, on a worn, inviting couch, was himself.

But was it himself? As the other calmly smiled at him and stood up, Severus noted that, despite being the same weight, same height, with the same features, he was different. There was a glow to him, an aura of freedom. There was color in his cheeks, and he was open in a way Severus had never been able to be before.

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