A Walk in the Park

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Sorry for the long wait! I'm having really bad writer's block, and I can't guarantee a fast upload of following chapters either. Thank you so much for waiting and sticking with this story. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Severus sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to put it off much longer. Not with Madam Pomfrey giving him a very pointed look saying that, unless he wanted to be treated like a bedridden patient, he should leave.

He decided to very wisely heed her advice.

He could feel himself dragging his feet as he made his way closer to the entrance to the hospital wing. And it most certainly didn't help that Lily was holding his upper arm and was not-so-sneakily trying to pull Severus towards the entrance. And towards him.

"Hello, Potter!" Severus heard from next to him, way sooner than he'd like to hear it. Had he really already reached the Gryffindor? He could have sworn that they had only been moving for a couple of seconds. He averted his gaze for as long as possible, childishly putting off the interaction as long as he could.

"Hey Evans," Severus heard from the side, in the cocky, boorish way that was common for Potter towards Lily. Severus grimaced and rolled his eyes at the playboy behavior. Of course Potter hadn't changed at all after the discovery. With Severus caring for a child of all things and being forced to the limits of his comfort zones to accommodate everyone else, of course Potter would get off easy.

He froze up when he heard a calmly muttered "Hi, Snape," in a much more mature way than was expected. Not that he was expecting to be addressed at all. Or wanted to be addressed.

Severus stubbornly kept his eye contact on the floor, unknowingly pouting slightly. His attention was diverted from the frankly very interesting floor to the child in his arms when Harry started giggling. "Papa is so cute!" he declared, bringing his chubby hand up and poking the Slytherin in the cheek.

Severus just stared at the child, affronted, not being able to say anything in response. Where did this child see any cuteness in this lanky, slimy individual? The almost exaggerated expression of pure dubiety on his face just made Harry giggle harder.

Unbeknownst to both, James had been focusing on the duo. And he almost didn't admit to himself that he saw, and understood, what Harry was talking about.

James just shook his head slightly, looking away and biting his lip. He just didn't know.

Both males got shaken out of their stupors when they heard a bright "Daddy!" Severus had to quickly readjust his hold on the child as Harry turned in his hands, reaching out to the Gryffindor.

James didn't have a moment to think before he suddenly had an armful of toddler, adorably grinning up at him, eyes sparkling. Harry's attention was diverted by the red and gold tie in front of him, and he moved his small chubby hand to grab at it curiously.

James unconsciously tightened his hold.

"So, Potter... why are you still here? Waiting for someone?" The redhead asked, clearly trying to prompt something out of the seeker. Her eyes very obviously darted over to Severus, who met her gaze with a scorching glare.

"Well, I just, um..." James started in response, not concluding as he was distracted by Harry tugging his tie a little too hard. "Uhhh..."

"How articulate, Potter" Severus uttered dryly, a little too loud to be muttering under his breath.

James pursued his lips, attempting to not rise up to the bait, and choosing to focus on trying to get his tie back from Harry instead. Severus looked away awkwardly. The Gryffindor was apparently trying to be civil, but since their entire relationship was defined only by severe animosity, there wasn't really anything else that connected them.

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