After 100000 nicknames later, you both got what you wanted from the store. He figured out that he went the same way as you, just took a different route since he's stops at the store most of the time. You guys started talking about whatever. Ya eventually started to learn about each other. You figured out that Sero is half Spanish (😏canon) and he started to help you say some sentences in that foreign language. About 15 minutes later, you guys had to separate at the fork in the road, your houses leading the opposite direction. You quickly said goodbye to him, reminding him to text you once he's home as he did the same to you, concerned about your safety.

You walked in the orphanage. Said hi to Ms. Apple and went to your room, room 110. You saw Anubis laying there, eating some Kit-Kats and he didn't noticed you yet, but you decided not to scare him today.

*Back in Y/N POV*

"Anubis, i am here!" I said, putting down his meat bun on his bed. He smiled and thanked me. "So, what did you want to talk about?" 'Damn, right to the point huh?'

You chuckled. "Well, since i know you're not the one to beat around the blush, i'll just tell you." Anubis day there, quietly wanted for his sister to continue talking. "UA wants all the kids to live on the campus. We'll have dorms since it's for our safety. Apparently, before we moved here, a friend of mine got kidnapped by the LOV, he got back safety, but.. yeah..." I explained. I looked up to see his eyes, not watery, but they held sadness in them. "BUT!!" "But?" "But, i convinced the principal to let you stay in the boys dorm with us, since you're the only family i have." Anubis eyes sparkled as he jumped off his bed and jumped on to you. You couldn't gain your balance so you both ended up falling.

"Don't scare me at like Y/NN (your nickname). You almost gave me a heart attack." Anubis explained. "Yeah yeah, i know, but we have to pack. Aizawa said that we have to be on school property before 6 o'clock tomorrow. So, you have time to pack but be ready at 5 please. I begged, since your brother is known for his lateness. "Don't worry sis, i got it. I'll even pack up half of your stuff tmmr since both of us don't have so much clothes." "Aii, thanks Nu-nu." I blew Anubis a kissed, then started doing my night routine, then started to pack after that.

By the time we was done for that night, it was already 9 o'clock. I  checked your phone to see 3 unread messages from different people.

(A/N: "_______" will be used as the ending of a conversation and starting a new one.)

Flextape✨✨: Hey, i got home safe and i hope you did too demon.

You: I did, but you could of said that without the nickname, you Pokémon grown piece of tape.

Flextape✨✨: Yeah... but where's the fun in that🤣.

You: Whatever Tapeful, get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.

Flextape✨✨: Goodnight devil.

You: Goodnight Flextape.

Boom Boom Bottom: Oi, devil, you aii. Got more pissed than me, and that's saying something.

Area51 Dance Major: Yeah, you okay pretty pretty?

You: I'm fine guys, just a lil pissed. I'm better now

Broken Phone Charger: A lil?

You: Shut up pika pika.

Flextape✨✨: Lmaoo

You: Yeah, but it's okay bcuz you'll get to meet Anubis tomorrow.

Boom Boom Bottom: Who is this Anubis fucker!!

Rockhard: The sane questions all of class 1-A if wondering.

You: Oh.. Anubis is my 13 year old little brother. He's the only family i got and i'm very protective, so i don't want to be far with him.

Everyone: Cute.


Flextape: Night fuckers, night again mini fucker.

You: Night.

Area51 Dance Major: Sweet dreams🌙💫
Ahhhh shit, it's 1-A👀

Iida: As class president, i made this groupchat for future proposes.

Momo: What's up with the name Iida?

Iida: Denki threatened to dunce himself if i didn't and ion need that bullshit right now.

Todoroki: You... curse?!

Iida: ANYWAYS, make sure you have all your stuff packed and ready and don't not be late.

Shinsou: Whatever, go to sleep.

Dark Shadow: Something that you never do?

Shinsou: Tokoyami, get your pet before i set him on fire.

Tokoyami: Sorry, he stole my phone 🤦‍♂️

Jiro: Goodnight everyone.

Tsu: Night😚

'It's been a long ass day, ima hit the hay.' And just like that, i knocked out, ready for tmmr.

*time skip by Denki Kaminari's lightning bolt. ZAP ⚡️ 😍*

Everyone in the groupchat said that they was already there and i was the last one, not that i was late, just the last one to arrive. Anubis is walking to the left of me. We said our goodbyes to Ms. Apple and thanked her for literally everyone. She said we can come to visit whenever we like.

I was also happy, my friends was going to meet my favorite person on the planet, my brother. 'Well, i just hope everyone gets along.' I spotted Aizawa with the rest of my class and so i yelled, like a crackhead i am.

"Everyone!!! Gather around me plz." I asked. Everyone did as such. I was smiling. I think everyone was. "Everyone i want to to meet my little bro-" I was interrupted by Bakugo's explosion. Everyone was confused, even me. I looked at Anubis and his eyes were wide open. "WHAT ARE UOU DOING HERE VILLIAN!!" Bakugo yelled. He tried to attack but Anubis flew up, then went behind my back for cover. Kirishima and Kaminari held Bakugo down. Aizawa erased his quirk and then started speaking "Bakugo, i knew Y/N and Anubis for a very long time, he's not a villian." Aizawa tried to reason. "WHEN I GOT KIDNAPPED, I SAW HIM AT THE LOV HIDEOUT!!!" That's when everyone eyes were on me and my brother. I was shocked, but my inner sister came out and tried to reason.

"Aizawa, i can explain, if you'll let me..."

A/N: Wow!! That ending was something even tho that ending was a little rushed. I plan on making this book like 20+ chapters but ion don't want to go over 30 chapters. With that said, Author-chan is out faster than the horses in Attack on Titan😅

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