Chapter 39: Go For It

Start from the beginning

There is no use to wondering uselessly — they have a game this afternoon and Kuroo needs to be in tip-top shape. Physically and mentally.

As Kuroo stepped into the bus, he clasps his hands together determinedly, grabbing the attention of his teammates. He grins back at them.

"To Sumida Gymnasium!"

"LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!" Taketora booms excitedly. Every team member (save for Kenma) cheered excitedly as the bus engine rumbled. Kuroo takes an searing isle to himself right behind Kenma. As usual, Kenma's focus is fixed on the videogame before him. Sometimes, Kuroo wonders if Kenma even listens to him.

"Still killing that Lynel?"


Kenma curses under his breath when his character misses a dodge, the enemy's savage sword sweeping at him. It emptied the character's heart gauge in one hit. Game over. What a shame, just when the Lynel's HP is whittled down to the last points.


The gloomy skies extended to the Amemori residence. Amemori idly spent the afternoon gazing at the ceiling.

Her mind feels numb. She had known the risks of pretending to be boy, the possibility of receiving her mom's scorn. She knew it would sting — but something about the timing of the truth coming out feels punitive. Just when she thought her life is experiencing the most happiness she had felt a long time, it was swiped away from her grasp so quickly.

Jun rolls around and flops weakly on her stomach. She buries her face on the pillow.

"Still sulking?" Mika's voice snapped her from her thoughts.

"Shut up."

Mika's prods further. "heard that the match is starting soon. Shouldn't you be there?"

Jun groans.

"Right, the match that's across the city. I'd be lucky if I make it before the janitors lock it up for the day... Besides. Mom's downstairs guarding the door. I'm practically trapped in here, indefinitely."

"So... that's it? This is the end?" Mika frowns. "You know, from how I see it... this is really important to Kuroo. He might not show it, but it would probably mean a lot if you came."

Jun jolts up from her bed, irritated. "Don't you think I don't know tha— ow!"

From jerking up from the bed, her head hits the overhead bed frame. In a domino effect, the impact caused the overhead bookshelf to nudge a book. It tumbled and fell square on her head.

The book fell open — it was a yearbook from when she was at Shizuoka Junior High. Her mom insisted on purchasing a copy, even though she had skipped that day. The book laid open. In the corner of the page, a small portrait of someone familiar — that someone with rooster-like hair and the wide, boyish grin.

She never really saw him properly back then. On the day he stopped some guy from antagonizing her, the erratic movements from the fight between them made it hard for her to see. All she remembers was Kuroo's face getting smashed against the wet pavement. It's still strange, how they had met before they met.

"You know Jun," Mika says. "Asking for permission is overrated. You're a patient person, and I like that. But that can mean that you also wait, and wait — and nothing's gonna happen."

Mika opens the window to her room, letting the breeze sweep into the room.

"Sometimes you just have to go for it — force your way and make things happen the way you want it to."

Jun looks up at Mika, bewildered at her sister's wise words. She looks down again at the book in her lap. Upon seeing him, the warmth in and naivety his grin, something welled up inside of her. Is it sadness? Fondness? She's not so sure.

Whatever it is, she needs to tell him something — something incredibly important.

Determined, she stands up and looks out at the window, then down at the height below.

"Okay," she breathes shakily. "I have to go."

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