The Word That Changed Everything

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 Andra put her hand to her mouth and blinked back tears. No, she thought. No, no, no, no. Andra knew she should not be thinking this word, but she was so upset she didn't even care. Besides, no one would arrest her for thinking a word. The Vice Principal spoke. "Dear students. Fellow classmate Marie Dragoni has jumped off the top of the school building and committed suicide. She was a thespian and was sent to detention 5 times. Thank you for your service, you may go back to your rooms. '' Andra couldn't think straight. She barely knew what was happening around her. The next few days were a blur. Marie, dead? No! She can't be! Savhanna tried to comfort her, but it was no use. Andra was heartbroken. One day, Savhanna asked about Akilah the detective. Andra was surprised. Since when did Savhanna wonder about books? "What? Why?" She asked. Savhanna lowered her voice to a whisper. "I saw you read every night, I know Marie was lying when she said she was the reader. I saw the title Akilah on one of your books, and I've been curious ever since." Andra couldn't believe it. Savhanna knew the whole time! "Um, Akilah, is the world's greatest female detective. Right now, she is solving a case about Robert Richard, a billionaire who committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. But he was really pushed off the cliff and murdered." Andra was about to say more, but she then realized something. "Committed suicide by jumping off, but was really pushed off and murdered." Now that she thought about it, The Vice Principal said Marie jumped off the roof. But how would she get to the roof in the first place? Marie would have to go through the secure top floor owned by the Principal. Marie could never have jumped off the roof without anyone knowing! "Oh my gosh!" Andra exclaimed. "What is it?" Savhanna asked. "Marie never committed suicide, she was murdered!" 

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