4: Feelings

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“Harry!” I whined into the British boy’s side. We were watching a scary movie on my couch. Originally we had been on opposite ends, but then the movie started and I got closer. I was practically on his lap, because of how scary it was. “Please turn it off!” I complained, hearing a scream, and knowing that the girl had opened the closet door.

Harry side rumbled as he chuckled at my complaining. What a bum! “What’s wrong Sadie?” Harry teased. “I thought you didn’t get scared?”  I had told him I didn’t get scared at scary movies. I had obviously lied. In response I just let out a whimper and hid father into his side. “Alright.” He sighed. I heard the T.V go quiet. The only sound was coming from our breathing.

Wait a minute.

I shot up from Harry’s side, causing him to jump. “What’s wrong?” I ignored him and went to look out the window. Bad idea, because as soon as I did, the screaming started again.

“Dang, I thought they were gone!” I said, letting the curtain back, turning around to face him. He had moved from the couch and was closer to me than I thought. One step would close the space between us. My breath caught in my throat just thinking about are proximity.

Smirking at me, he moved a little closer. “Something wrong, Sadie?” He asked, putting his hand next to my head on the wall. If he couldn’t here my heart before, I was more than positive he could here it right then.

“N-not at all.” I stuttered out. I should’ve just kept my mouth shut, because then maybe he wouldn’t have been able to tell how nervous I really was.

“Liar.” He said closing the space between us. It was a really bold move, considering that my brother was right up stairs. But nonetheless he was still moving his lips down to my. My heart was erratically beating, my palms were sweaty, and I was shaking. It’s safe to say, I was a nervous wreck.

His lips met mine, and I had every chance to kiss him back, but I did the opposite; I pulled my face away from his. I saw hurt flash across his eyes and I got a pang in my chest. I didn’t want to hurt him, at all. “Harry-“ I began.

“No, it’s fine” He said backing away from me. There was now more than arms length of space between us. I didn’t want that. I wanted to kiss him, I really did, but I couldn’t. Not with all these rumors about alleged girls he was with.

“No, Harry, let me explain.” I said stepping a little closer to him. He stayed where he was. “I want to kiss you,” A smirk displayed across his face, and he raised an eyebrow. I would’ve loved to kick him at how irresistible he was. “But,” He tilted his head back and groaned. I arched an eyebrow. “I’m not going to be another one of your spur-of-the-moment pick ups.” I stated.

He looked down at me. “Is that what you think this is?” He asked stepping closer, looking into my eyes. I could get lost in those deep pools of green. I didn’t say anything as he put a hand on each of my shoulders. “I know there’s lots of rumors about me having one night stands, and alleged girlfriends, and some of them may be true.” I could help but feel a little hurt at his words.


“Wait!” Darcy interrupted, turning the camera to her father. “You were a player!” She shouted out accusingly. I couldn’t help snickering along with the guys and Devon.

Harry shot up his hands defensively. “I was fancy for girls!” I can’t believe he said that to his daughter!

“Can I get back to the story?” I asked after I settled down laughing.

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