10 Meeting The Family

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           *PRESENT TENSE*

            “Later, definitely later.” Louis said mocking Harry.

            “Such a cheeky lad.” Liam laughed. I giggled and smirked at Harry.

            *PAST TENSE*

            We had been driving for an hour, but it seemed like ten days. The closer we got, the more nervous I became. What if they didn’t like me? What if I met all of his family, and they all thought I was just in it for the fame and money? I had a million scenarios bouncing around in my mind, and I couldn’t control any of them.

 Harry and I were sitting in the back of a black car, being driven by a man named, John; who, by the way, was extremely nice.  We had neglected putting our seatbelts on, so we could cuddle. Well, the cuddling that we could do in the back of a car, with a middle-aged man sitting four inches in front of you. He had his arm around me, and I was tucked underneath him. He was so comfortable and warm that it made me yawn. “You’re comfy.” I smiled, my eyelids becoming heavy.

            Harry looked down at me. “Are you calling me fat?” He asks. I didn’t reply, instead snuggled closer into his side. I felt his side vibrate as he chuckled. I smiled and closed my eyes.

            You know that thought you have when you first wake up, the one where you think about where you’re at, while your eyes are still closed? Then you wake up and look at your surroundings and realize you’re not where you thought you were. Well, that’s what happened to me.

I hadn’t even realized that I had fallen asleep, but somebody was poking my cheek. “Mom.” I groaned. Trying to roll over, but was stopped by something hard, that was definitely not my pillow. After realizing that, I noticed that I was not lying down. Slowly, I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Harry, his green eyes twinkling with a smirk on his face.

“Time to wake up, sleeping beauty.” He smiled. Oh, he knew how to make a girl swoon.

“Whatever.” I said. Then sat up really straight, extremely fast. I looked out into the night to see that we were parked, and sitting in front of a house; Harry’s house. I immediately noticed that it was the house One Direction had first spent time together as a group. Of course, I didn’t tell Harry that.

“You ready?” Harry asked, turning my face to look back at him.

I gulped and looked back at the house, noticing the amount of cars parked outside it. “No!”

“Come on, you’ll be fine.” He reasoned.

Sighing, I grumbled. “Well I don’t really have a choice, now do I?” Half of me wanted to push Harry out of the car and tell the driver to take me back to the airport, but the other half wanted to meet Harry’s family. I wanted to know where he came from, to meet his family. I was just so scared that they weren’t going to think I was good enough for him. I sure as heck didn’t!

He laughed. “Nope!” He unlatched the car door, and walked around to my side, opening the door for me. I almost locked it before he could open it, but I told myself to be a big girl.

            Harry gave me his coat, even though I rejected it multiple times, and we started walking towards the house. “Wait!” I blurted, a little too high in pitch for my liking.

            “Let me guess, you forgot something at the airport that we just have to go back and get.” Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

            I narrowed my eyes at him. “No. Is my hair alright?” I asked, patting it down, and then flipping my head forward and then whipping it back, making my hair fling back.

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