11 Tragedy Strikes

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            “Holy cow!” I gulped, my eyes widening. Harry and I decided to go sight-seeing, and Niall andDevonwanted to tag along. We walked around for most of the day. Harry insisted that we go on the London Eye at night, which is where we currently were.

            My stomach churned as I looked out over the city. It was really pretty, there’s no denying that, but I was afraid of heights. I looked across atDevon, whose face mirrored my emotions. She was as white as a ghost, her eyes wide, and her lips smacked together.

            “You alright, love?” Harry asked, looking down at me, his eyebrows furrowed together. I shook my head.

            “I’m afraid of heights.” I said, my voice shaking. I looked down, not being able to help myself. I’ve hated heights ever sense I was little. I’ve always been afraid of falling.

            “Devon, are ye going to be alright?” Niall asked in his thick accent; his words laced with concern. She shook her head, still staring out at the city. Niall and Harry shared a look, and glance back and forth betweenDevonand I.

            “Maybe we should’ve asked?” Harry said, though he phrased it as a question.

            Niall nodded in agreement. “That probably would’ve been a good idea.”Devongot whiter the higher we got. We weren’t even half way yet; that thought alone made my stomach twist and turn. And to add to the negative thoughts, we were in a closed bulb.

            That reminded me. “Aren’t you claustrophobic?” I asked Niall.

            His eyebrows rose, andDevonfinally showed some indication that she was alive, and looked up at him, curiously. “Not in small spaces, just when there’s too many people around.” I nodded. “We’re fine, princess.” Niall said, speaking softly toDevon.

            Harry wrapped his arm around me and squished me to his side. I couldn’t tell if the butterflies in my stomach were from him, or the fact that we were getting higher and higher off the ground by the second. “We’ll be fine.” He said, staring down at me.

            “How long is this again?” I asked quietly. I didn’t wantDevonto get any worse than she already was.

            Harry glanced over at Darcy and leaned down to me, our noses almost touching. “Two or so hours.” I groaned and closed my eyes.

            “Ay!” Niall yelled. “Can’t you wait for that later?” He said, eyeing us.Devonchuckled. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, smiling.

            “There they go again.” Harry said, poking the bridge of my nose.

            I blushed. “Sorry.”

He chuckled and started playing with my hair. “It’s so soft.” He said, twisting strands around his fingers.

I reached up and touched one of his curls. “Yours is too.” Seeming to forget that we weren’t alone, Harry leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away and looked over at Niall andDevonapologetically. Harry pouted and made a whimpering noise.

“Devon,” I asked. She looked over to me. Her face seemed to have a little bit more color. “Do you have a bone?” She looked at me curiously. I tied to hide a smile at my probably lame joke. “This dog needs a treat.” I said, hitching my thumb towards Harry.

            “Ladies and gentleman, this is why Sadie is awesome!” Niall laughed. Everybody was right, his laugh was very infectious.

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