13 Bells Are Ringing!

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            “So that’s what happened.” I breathed. Blinking my eyes, I looked away from the wall and found my daughter. The camera was no longer in her hands, but on her lap. She had tears running down her face that she was trying not to wipe away.

            “How,” She began and cleared her throat. “How did you make it through all of that?”

“She was very strong.” Liam said, smiling at Darcy then me. Danielle’s eyes were puffing like she had been crying, but her face was dry.

            “And I had your father.” I added, smiling lovingly up at Harry. He returned the smile and kissed my hand.

            “I’m going to use the loo.” Brodie spoke up. He squeezed Darcy’s hand and then got up.

            Louis’s eyes narrowed as he got his sons joke. “I am not a toilet young man!” Despite himself, he chuckled. Just the sound of someone’s laugh made the tension in the room lighten a little; at least enough so I didn’t feel like I was suffocating with sadness.

            “As much as he doesn’t want to admit,” Darcy said, looking after Brodie. “This story is touching him.” As much as any of us try, we will never understand Darcy or Brodie as much as they understand each other. She pulled her hair back up into a messy ponytail and blew her nose. “Does it get better?” She asked, tossing the tissue aside. I made a mental note to tell her to throw it out later.

            “I’m still here aren’t I?” I replied teasingly, trying to rid the room of all its seriousness. She nodded.

            “Geeze.” I yawned, stretching myself out like a feline. “I’m tired.”

            “No.” Darcy said sternly. “We are finishing this story today.” Picking the camera back up, she pointed it back on me. “Go.” I shook my head, sighing. There’s never really any point arguing with something she’s got her mind set to.


            “Are you sure you want this?” Harry asked me for the hundredth time this morning.

            I crooked an eyebrow. “You are the one that wanted this. Are you sure you want this?” I countered, putting the last of my bags in the moving truck.

            Yes, it happened. After all the ‘excitement’ over the last couple months, Harry asked me to move in with him. It took me at least two weeks of debating before I decided that it was best. I loved Harry, he loved me. There was nothing left for me inMassachusetts. The only thing left that I had to live for was Harry.

            He frowned at my response. “I just don’t want you to do this for me.” He said, his green eyes staring into mine. The sunlight was bouncing off of his, making them appear more moss-like.

            I took his hand in mine and turned to face my home. Correction, my childhood home.  “I’m doing it for us.” I’m not going to lie, I would miss the house. It was where I grew up. The only place I’ve ever called home. Actually, it wasn’t really the house that I would miss. It was everything that had been in the house that made it a home. Tyler, my mom, all her little nick knacks and decorations.

            These last few months had easily been the worst in my entire life. I didn’t think I could get any worse than what I had been when my mother died. I couldn’t have been more wrong. AfterTylerpassed, I became ten times worse than before. The little that I had been eating whittled down to nothing, I didn’t talk at all, and I had even started considering Suicide myself.

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