Chapter Two

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"This is Vincenzo Varallo, your boss that I told you about. You'll be his personal assistant and be living with him."

"I still don't quite understand why I have to live with him." I said looking at punch a punching bag.

"It's what he requested. When he needs something you do it, no questions asked. You are also to care for him in the most professional way possible and try not to say anything to offend him. Vincenzo has a hard time expressing his emotions." The man explains.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously. He scratches his stubble before looking down at me.

"It's not my place to say but," He begins. "Vincenzo is just more distant after the passing of his family."

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with him, he's just broken." I sigh with a sad smile knowing how it feels to lose your family.

"Try opening up to him and getting him to open up to you." He smiles placing both of his hands on my shoulders. "Good luck Arabella, you're going to need it." He walks away which leaves me to walk towards him where he's letting out steam.

"Mr Varallo?" I say trying to grab his attention. He looks at me and turns his attention back to the bag he's hitting. It's as if that bag is the thing he hates the most in this world.

"Mr Varallo?" I repeat growing impatient. I walk in front of the punching bag and he stops.

"What?" He says annoyed. I finally get a good look at his features. Saying this man looked like a God was an understatement. He was nothing less than perfect. From his silky dark brown locks to his brown piercing orbs and muscles that seemed to cover every inch of his body.

"I-I'm Arabella Rossi. I'm your personal assistant." I introduce formally, bringing out my hand for him to shake.

He stares at my hand before looking back up at me. He grabs my hand quickly and pulls me closer to himself. "Listen, Tesoro. I hired you to help me schedule my meetings and help me around the house, not to stare at me all day with drool hanging from your mouth. Whatever Luca told you is absolute bullshit, so go do your job by bringing me bottled water." [Italian Translation: Sweetheart]

I look at him, shocked with my eyes widened. What a rude man. I push away from his body and shoot him a glare. "Sure thing boss," I say sarcastically with a fake smile on my face.

I come back with cold bottled water and hand it to him. "You're welcome." I mutter seeing that he didn't have any manners.

He finishes with the bottle and drops it on the ground and goes back to punching the bag.

"So you like boxing." I say trying to make my voice audible. "I'm actually quite good at boxing myself. When I was in school, they're afraid of me." I smirk. I've never been the best at lying but I'm sure he couldn't tell since his focus was on the bag.

He stops to look at me and raises a brow. "Then punch me."

I scratch my head in confusion at his order. "Excuse me?" I say shocked, wanting him to repeat his statement.

"I told you to punch me." He repeats.


HELLOOOO!!!! If you're reading this who have been chosen... because you were able to get past the first chapter. Up there is a pic of Arabella. Played by the beautiful, Dina Denoire.

I hasn't able to update earlier today because I broke my glasses so I'm lwk blind. 

Also, I didn't want to show some long story about Arabella looking for a job so we dive right into it. 

I've been working on this book since last year so younger me was very confused. I had very different story ideas for Vincenzo and Arabella. Arabella was meant to be some gang leader or Vincenzo was meant to kidnap Arabella or Arabella was a drug dealer or even as far as a stripper. 

They all had the same names I was just really confused. This was one of my recent ideas but it's still pretty old so if the writing gets a little uh bad, bare with me. I'm going to re-edit the book a day after my birthday so I'll be a bit older.

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