• Family - Female Reader •

Start from the beginning

"We don't even know where he is right now..." Dad said kindly, but I saw the eyeroll he added in. Our cousin, who was quite a bit older than us, never really told any of the family where he was going. He'd disappear for months at a time before just showing up again at the front door, smiling.

Purpled made a dismissive noise, finishing his eggs in one last big forkful. I pushed back in the chair, taking his plate with him to the sink and rinsing it off.

"I'm gonna go hang out with my friends." He pulled his phone out of his pocket- probably to text them- while shuffling to the door. He slid his feet into his marked-up purple sneakers and swinging open the side door, calling a quick goodbye and then slamming the door behind him.

"Be back by five!" Dad called, even though he probably couldn't hear him anymore. Realizing the same thing, he sighed and got up from the bar as well. He rinsed off all of our plates and slid them into the dishwasher, which he then closed and started his rinse.

"I have plans with Dream and George too-" Nick offered up, starting to walk towards the side-door, where his jacket and shoes waited. He put up his hand as Dad started to talk. "I'll be back by five." He promised, grabbing his coat and slipping out the door.

He poked his hand back through one more time, waved and then shut the door as well. Dad was already looking at me when I glanced at him. I smiled awkwardly and he smiled back.
"Go hang out with your friends-" He motion towards the door and I grinned at him thankfully. I spun off my chair and hopped across the living room to where my phone was charging.

I unplugged it, skipping to the door and sliding into my checkered Vans too, similar to the ones Nick wore.
"Bye Dad!" I called and I heard him yell back a muffled goodbye.

"Bye Y/n!" I looked at the stairs to see Finn coming down, smiling and dressed.

"I thought you were going back to bed?" I joked and he shrugged. He walked over to me patting my head like Nick did- just because I was the shorter, younger sister didn't mean I was a victim for head-patting!

"I'll drive you to your friends neighbour hood." He offered and I nodded, kinda glad I didn't have to walk. It wasn't too far, but a three minute drive was better than a fifteen minute walk. Finn said his good-bye to Dad and then walked out the door, me following closely. I slipped around the front of his car, jumping into the passenger seat.

I was old enough to sit in the front, just three years younger than Finn- Finn was turning eighteen in a few months, and he was very excited about 'officially' being an adult.

Nick was 17, just a year short from him and had started driving by himself a few weeks ago. I was the middle child- 15. And then there was my younger brother, youngest in the family, Purpled- or as we call him, Purp. Purp's 14, turning 15 soon- he's basically the same age as me but I still like to consider him my younger brother.

I'm so busy thinking, I don't notice we've arrived at the park I always meet my friends at. I'd already texted my friends, so they should be on their way. I thank Finn, hoping out of the car and strolling over to massive willow tree in the middle of the park. I check my texts- no one has said anything. Hopefully I won't be stuck here alone.

I near the tree when I hear rustling coming from the leaves- too loud a rustling to be the wind.

"Hello?" I call, looking up at the thick, winding branches. Halfway up the tree, a brown hair boy sits, his tiny grayish ear perked up.

"Hi Y/n!" He calls down, swinging towards me like a monkey.

"Hey Vurb." I smile, climbing up to where the trunk spilts into two big branches. I settle into the nook and Vurb sits down just a little above me.

"I texted the groupchat- did you see?" I asked, wondering if it was just a coincidence that he was here or if he saw the message. He pulled out his phone, staring at the screen for a second before smiling sheepishly.

"Nope- but I'm here!" He laughed and I smiled. We chatted for a little while, about school, grades, friends, and then I brought up my favourite topic, the one that always made Vurb blush like mad.

"So, do you still have a crush on my brother?" Vurb's face turned bright and I grinned.

"Shut up." He mumbled before I could start singing something annoying. I was about to start annoying him when I heard extremely loud shouting coming from far side of the field. We both turned to look, to see a brown haired haired boy being chased by a slightly taller blond.

I glanced at Vurb and saw him grinning at me and we hoped down out of the tree, slowly pacing towards the duo. We already knew from a distance who it was, but called out anyways.

"Tommy? Tubbo?"

The two run to us, panting by the time the met us.

"Hello Vurb, Hello Woman." Tommy said formally, smiling. Tubbo smiled and I gave him a pat on the back- it was hard having Tommy has your twin brother.

Tubbo was my best friend, along with Vurb and Tommy had a tendency to just hang out with us, since everyone else thought he was so annoying- not that I didn't. Once the twins had caught their breath we started walking around the large, community field.

There were other groups of kids running around, enjoying the fine, sunny Saturday. We all chatted for a bit, joking, laughing, talking about Twitter posts and Memes we'd seen recently. I mentioned I had to be home by five- everyone agreed that was about the time they had to be home as well.

"You know what guys?" Vurb stated randomly.

"Hm?" Tubbo sounded, looking past me at Vurb.

"Wouldn't it be cool if we all made YouTube channels? And became best friends on YouTube too?"

"Ha, good one Vurb." Tommy laughed. I shook my head and put my arm around Vurb's shoulders.

"Maybe, Vurb. It would certainly be cool." I nodded and he half-smiled. I then put my other arm around Tubbo's shoulders as well, pulling them closer to me. Tommy smushed himself into the moving group-hug as well and soon we were all giggling again.

This is my family.


//1650 Words\\ <3

I'm tempted to make a part two for this- should I?

Also, thank you for more than 3.7K Reads! You guys are crazy! <3


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