Chapter 23

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Elsa's POV:

~The next day~

I ducked under the police tape.

"What do we got here?" I asked as I slipped on my rubber latex gloves.

"20 year old female, clear stab wounds on her abdomen, and was intoxicated during the crime." 

I pulled out the girls wallet from her pocket.

"Maria Johnson." 

The blonde girl laying on the ground had glow sticks wrapped around her wrists and her neck.

She was laying face down, with the knife sticking out of her back. She had her phone in one hand, and a red solo cup in the other.

But the most interesting thing, was the fact that killer drew a smiley face on the ground with her blood.

I shivered.

As the forensic team started packaging all of the evidence and taking pictures, I ask the primary forensic scientist, Abby Gold, if there were any witnesses. 

She pointed towards a tall guy dressed in a grey t shirt and black jeans, talking to another officer.

I thanked her, took off my gloves, and approached the guy.

"Hi, there, I am Detective Arens, I am the lead investigator on Ms. Johnson's case."

He stuck out his hand.

"Rick, Rick Flores"

I nod, and he awkwardly puts his hand down.

I pull out my notepad.

"Can you tell me what you saw?" I ask clicking my pen.

He just nodded.

"Maria was always a party animal, she loved going to parties, and getting drunk. And let's just say, she died enjoying what she loves most. Last night, she dragged me to this party being held by this mysterious host. Halfway through the night, she disappeared. I went to go find her, and when I did, she was laying right there, with a knife in her back. That's when I called 911." Rick replied slowly.

I scribbled his statement down on my notepad and gave him weird look.

"Were you and Maria close?" I ask.

He sighs loudly.

"Maria, was my best friend, but when her sister got into a car accident, she resorted to alcohol to fix all her problems."

I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry to hear about that."

He puts his hand on top of mine.

"It's alright."

He wipes a stray tear away.

"Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt Maria?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment.

"I'm not sure. Maria fell out with a lot of people during this rough patch in her life." He said running a hand through his thick black hair.

"Okay, if you have anymore information, be sure to contact us." I say stuffing my notebook back into my bag.

He nods, takes one last glance at Maria's body, before leaving.

I sigh and head back to the crime scene looking for something that could lead us to our killer.

Most of the basic evidence, like the knife, and red solo cup, were already bagged up and ready to be tested.

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