Chapter 47

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Third Person's POV:

The squad held her hand tight.

It's been a few days since Captain Frost announced he would be resigning as the Captain of the 56th Precinct. And weirdly enough, the majority of the Precinct kinda missed him. Seeing his frosty white hair, and his authority. It was weird since they all agreed that he would probably make the worst Captain in all of history. But over the past six months, they started noticing a few things. He would start assigning cases based on the person's skill level and comfortableness. He wouldn't assign a murder case to someone right after they lost a loved one, he would never assign a stake out case to a new officer.

Strangely enough, they always felt content on the cases they were assigned.

However, there was one person who was overjoyed they wouldn't have to see his face at the Precinct ever again.

Aster Bunnymund.

After he released hell on Captain Frost, he didn't think if he saw his face again, he'd be able to refrain himself from shouting at him. However, a small part of him, a very tiny miniscule part of him, somewhat missed the former Captains authority.

Bunny was definitely the most worried about Elsa. She was his best friend, his rock. She was always there when he needed her most. He hated admitting it, but he missed the goofball.

North had always seen Elsa as the daughter he never had. His wife had been in a vegetative state for almost a decade now. She got in a serious car crash after a fight with North about not wanting children. She was always good with kids, but never wanted one of her own. That night was mostly a blur to North. He never wanted to pressure her into having kids, but that was the one thing he had always wanted. A kid. One that he could nurture and care for. Another piece of family that he so desperately wanted.

Sandy and Elsa were always close. He had just transferred to the 5-6 and the first person that came to welcome him was Elsa. She was always smiling, and was just so happy. Sandy missed that smile...

Tooth held her tears back. Elsa was the only other girl in the squad. She was always a little jealous of Elsa, and it showed when they first met. She was drop dead gorgeous and was smart. Tooth ignored Elsa almost entirely. She would always hate being assigned to a case with Elsa, because the case was always too easy, and most of the time, they were both so work deprived, they would fight for who got to work it. Even through thick and thin, Elsa was always there for Tooth, and eventually, Tooth realized that. The two have been friends ever since.

The new captain came in yesterday, and he was fine, but there was nothing special about him.

He just introduced himself then started talking about how the Precinct really needed a 'makeover'. It was an interesting conversation for the squad indeed.

The friends just sat in silence watching over their unconscious friend.

Suddenly, Tooth felt Elsa hand grip hers.

"Oh my god." Tooth cried, a wave of emotion crashing over her. The three men turned towards the emotional rainbow brunette.

"What is it Tooth?" Bunny asks, staring sadly.

"S-She gripped my hand Bunny." Tooth said nearly in tears.

The three exchanged looks and all started tearing up.

There was hope.

She might wake up.

~2 Hours Later~

It's been hours since she had showed any signs of waking up.

The doctor said the chance of her waking up was going to be a lot slimmer than any other patient, due to all the trauma she had gone through this year. This had been her third time being shot in the line of duty, the other two times, she was rushed to the hospital almost immediately. She didn't lose as much blood as she did last week.

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