Sleep The Stress Away

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Amity groans as she bangs her head on her desk for the fifth time. Her hand was clenching her pen so tightly, it could snap.

Her parents forced her to study all week for a test that wouldn't happen in two weeks. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and drift away for a while.

"You alright, Mittens?"

Amity huffed and turned around in her seat to glare at her twin siblings. "Just peachy." She grumbled, folding her arms. "What do you want?"

"Can't we check up on our baby sis?" Emira chuckled, nudging her shoulder. Edric ruffled up Amity's hair, causing the witch to shove her brother to the floor.

Emira took a good long look at Amity's face. "Oh man. You look horrible." She winced.


"When was the last time you slept?' Edric asked as he dusted himself off.

"Uh... After we had dinner with mom and dad."

Emira and Edric looked at Amity with a worried look. "We ate dinner with them the day before yesterday..."

"A little over 48 hours? Not that bad. Now get out. You know what happens when mom and dad catch you two bugging me during my studies." Amity said, summoning an abomination hand to push her annoying siblings out of her room.

Emira and Edric frowned as the door slammed in their face.

"She needs to rest..." Edric muttered as he ran his hand through his green hair.

"If she won't listen to us, who would she listen to?" Emira wondered.

The twins looked at each other and grinned mischievously as they came up with the perfect candidate.


The human watched as the tiny demon ran towards her with his arms out. She scooped him up in her arms.

"That kid keeps pushing me off my throne! I demand that we throw him in the pit of demons!" King whined as he glared at the snotty child, who grinned evilly back at him.

Eda rolled her eyes. "You are being picked on by a whole kid?" She snorted as she slapped her knee. "Hilarious."

King squirmed out of Luz's arms and pointed his claw at the Owl Lady. "Shut it feather brain!"

"Feather brain? That's a new one."

Luz giggled at the two as they argued back and forth.


Luz looked up and makes eye contact with two high classed looking witches.

One was a tall male who had brown hair with a small beard. He held a long staff in his hand. His cold eyes stared back at Luz, making her squirm in her seat.

The other one was a female who looked more intimidating than the male. Her green hair was put up into a bun and her golden eyes dug right into Luz's soul.

Wait green hair??? Oh!

"Um hello there!" Luz stuttered out. Eda narrowed her eyes at the two adults and clenched her staff.

"Nice seeing you two again. What brings you here, Karen?" Eda asked.

"We will be borrowing your human for a little bit, Eda."

Eda raised her eyebrows and stood up with her arms folded. "And why do you need my kid?"

"Oh, no need to get all defensive. We just want to ask a few questions."

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