Chapter 13

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The next day...

The birds are chirping so sweetly causing Mefutaka to wake up. She smiled softly to herself.

She stood up and opened/slid the door. The sun's shining so bright. She looked at it and knew that its time: to take her courage and go to the battlefield.


A black hole appeared on the ground. She knew what this means so she sighed and changed her mind on going to the battlefield and go to the portal instead.

Before she leave, she left a letter that says...

Dear friends,

I was telepoted to another world. I hope that you guys finish the battles without dying and with satisfied faces when you come home.

I'm going to wait for you in the other world.

Mefutaka Ichinose

I love you, Keno!

And after that, she jumped into the hole without any hesitations.


She actually thought that she'll land on her butt again but she was wrong. She landed on... water?

She wondered what anime is this but then, she thought of herself being wet and seen through. She stood up and got out of the fountain.

Then, someone walked up to her and smiled. You know him. He's... Ken Murata. Now, she knows what anime this is.... Kyo Kara Maoh!!!

"Well, what's a beautiful, young lady doing in this kind of place?" He asked with a smile. She smiled back and bowed.

"U-Uh... I was... Um... transfered from another world and... Uh... ended up... here in... Kyo-- I mean... New Makoku." She said, stuttering at almost every word she says. She flashed him a sheepish smile, hoping that he'll fall for it but...

"I see. Your from the other world, right? I mean... your world." He said with a smile. Too bad, her hope didn't came true. He's the Legendary Magician, for crying out loud!!! He knows almost everything! Even the past!!!

He handed her a towel and some clothes.

"Dress up in that room. I'll be waiting for you here outside." He said and turned his back on her.

She followed and headed to the room and changed her clothes as fast as possible.

Moments later, she came out. She wore a above-the-knee dress that has white laces at the end of the long sleeves that reached her elbows, simple printed designs that cannot be seen but can be felt and the dress is color violet.

Murata tugs up his glasses and smiled at her.

"You look so beautiful... Mefutaka." He said with a smile. She knew already that he knows about her so she just shrugged it off.

"Come. I need to tell the King about you and everything about you." He gestures her to follow him and so she did.

They rode the carriage that will lead them to Bloodpledge Castle. [If the spelling of the castle is wrong, please comment it to me. Arigato~!]

Once they reached the castle, Murata assisted Mefu out of the carriage.

Then, a man with long, white hair run to them.

"Oh, Your Grace. Its a pleasure to see you here with... Uh... If you don't mind me asking.... who is she?" The man said, curiously.

Mefutaka's POV

Oh Gosh. I jumped into the portal because I was hoping that the next anime would be Katekyo Hitman Reborn but too much to my surprise, its Kyo Kara Maoh.

Here I am. Wearing a dress that I didn't even like to wear in the first place.

"I'll explain everything later, Gunther. Right now, I need to know where Shibuya is." Murata said and grabbed my hand, dragging me inside the castle while Gunther is following behind and saying things that I can't barely hear.

Once we reached the room where the King was, we knocked first before entering.

"Damn. I can't believe that going and seeing the King personally makes me nervous."

I felt cold sweat dripping at my back.

"Shibuya." Murata called and the King looked at us.

Oh Gosh.

A Trip to the Other Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें