Chapter 4

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I tried to open my eyes. I blinked thrice before I saw a figure in front of me.

I know he is a guy but he looks..... old. His features were: his dark brown hair is reaching his shoulders. He has brown eyes that matches his hair.

I know him. He is..... Wait.... Why is he staring at me? He is..... NACHI HINOSOKA?!

"Whaaaaaaa!!!!!" I shouted and stood up of the bed.

"Wait Mefu, calm down." Shino said.

"Wait. What is he doing with me!?" I shouted/asked.

"He is the one who checked what happened to you." Genpachi said, calming me down a little.

"Ok. Thank you for checking me up but I just fainted 'cause I feel weak." I explained then sat back on the bed.

"Yeah. I think you should rest." Nachi said.

"Do you have any chance that you know him?" Kaname asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Good thing you're alright." A girl's voice was heard. We looked at the door and I saw Ayane Mizuki.

Ayane Mizuki is a young girl who is maybe in the same age as Shino. She has short, white hair and bright red eyes. She is guarded by a snake/human named Hibiki who is probably immortal.

"Oh. I think you know her as well." Kaname whispered in my ear.

"Yeah. Just a little." I said and gave a small smile.

"Yeah. Good thing." Kobungo said.

"Is she Ok?" Somebody burst out the door which caused me to jump a little in shock.

"Yes Satomi. She's fine." Shino said in a bored tone.

"Good." He said in a relieved tone.

Rio Satomi is Shino's guardian. I feel that he is Shino's brother, actually. He has a big dog named Yatsufusa. He has blonde hair that reaches his shoulder and beautiful blue orbs. He always gives Shino his allowance.

"You feeling ok, Mefu?" Kari asked.

"Yes. I'm fine." I replied.

After that, Shino toured us inside the mansion.

By the way, Nachi Hinosoka is also one of the four families. He has a cat named Kaide, who has two tails.

Could this day get any worse? I can't believe that they would be here. When will they even go back to our world? They piss the hell out of me.

Suddenly, Shino said that he's getting hungry.

"Hey guys, come on. Let's eat. I'm starving." Shino whined at Sosuke.

"Ok. Then, what do you want to eat?" Sosuke asked with a small smile. Damn. He's so handsome.

"I want Mefu to cook for me." He said with a bright smile.

"Wait. What!? I can't cook!" I said in shock. You know, I am good at cooking, though but I don't feel like cooking here.

"Oh! Come on, Mefu. I know you can cook." He said. Damn his cute face.

"Oh. Fine." I give up.

After that, they brought me to the kitchen so that I could start cooking.

I saw that all the things that I needed for cooking are all here. Great. I should start.

--Meanwhile, at the back of the Mansion--

Not Mefutaka's POV

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