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Elle's pov:

It has been 1 month since Crabbe assaulted me. Whenever I passed him in the hall I couldn't even look at him. Why would he do that? I still wondered.

The air was getting cooler and the leaves were turning orange. I love Fall, the feeling in the air, the smells, the clothes, everything about it is just, perfect.

Malfoy went back to his old self a couple of days after the incident, still teasing me from across the classroom. At least he's said nothing about the Crabbe situation. I still can't believe what happened, the fact that Crabbe touched me and that fact that Draco stood up for me.

I was looking forward to the Halloween party in 3 weeks. It was being held by Gryffindor's in the Room of Requirements. Me and Luna we're going as angels, so it would be fun.

It was Monday morning so I was getting ready for class, I had an extra hour for breakfast and reading.

As I sat in the great hall reading my book, someone came up to me. "Boo!" Said Luna, grabbing my shoulders. "You scared me!" I yelled while giggling. "So, when should we go shopping for our costumes?" she asked while sitting down. "Probably this weekend," I said

"Okay cool, let's meet here at 11 AM on Saturday and we can go to Diagon Ally together," she said

"Sounds like a plan," I said to Luna as she got up. Luna walked back to her table and waved at me, I waved back and smiled.

Draco's pov:

It's been a month since the incident, I continued to make fun of Elle. I wasn't just going to stop because I punched Crabbe in the jaw for touching her was I?

No, I wasn't, I had a reputation to uphold.

There was a Halloween party at the Room of Requirements in 3 weeks, I was obviously going to go. I decided to go as Lucifer/ the Devil because it was a simple costume. Just a black suit and a red tie, then 'Boom' costume done.

I was dreading class today, I just hated it. It was the 3rd class and I was in Charms. This class I had with Elle.

We have been put into groups of three: Me, Longbottom, and Miles. We had three items: a flower, a brush, and a fork. We had to make one of them spin, one of the dances, and one of them fly.

Neville went first, he picked the rose, he made it a spin. Next went Elle, she chose the fork and to make it dance. She made it dance with such ease. Then left me, with a hairbrush and to make it fly. I tried to make it fly but I just, couldn't.

"Do you want help?" asked Elle. "No, I've got this," I said still trying. I finally gave up "This is preposterous!" I yelled. Elle let out a little chuckle, I frowned and looked at her. "Can I try it now?" She said smiling. "You can try..." I said, I wasn't sure if she could do it though.

But then, she made the bloody brush fly. "How...?" I faintly said. "I mean, I could have done that on a good day," I said with a grin. Even though that wasn't true, but I couldn't tell her that.

Elle's pov:

It was the end of the day and I was at dinner. I really didn't even look forward to it though, none of my friends sat at my table. Dinner was good for reading though, so that made it more bearable.

Pansy tapped me on the shoulder and said "Do you ever stop reading?"

"Yes I can stop reading, but right now I want to read," I said whilst still reading my book.

"But reading is so boring, don't you ever get bored?" She said with a confused face.

"No, not really," I said still reading my book.

"If you don't mind, I would like it if you let me read my book it peace," I said looking up at her with a fake smile.

"You're such a bookworm Miles, " she said rolling her eyes.

About 15 minutes after my 'conversation' with Pansy the bell rang and it was time to head to bed. I didn't though, there was still an hour until curfew so I decided to go to the garden to sit down and read for 45 mins.


"Miss Miles! Why are you out here an hour past curfew?" Asked Prof. McGonagall

"What?" I asked

"It's 9 PM, curfew is at 8," she said looking down at me. I stood up to meet her gaze. "I'm so sorry, I hadn't meant to stay out this long," I said looking at the ground.

"Miss Miles.... I'll let it slide this time but don't do this again," she said with a soft smile.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I said with a huge smile. "I won't go past curfew again, I promise," I said walking past her into the castle.

I went into the Slytherin common room, took out my book, and read for another 30 minutes. Then I headed up to my room, took a hot shower, and went to bed.

Draco's pov:

It was Saturday morning, I got up, put on my clothes, and headed down for breakfast. I was talking to Blaise, not paying attention to anything when I bumped into someone.

It was Elle, she stumbled back rubbing her forehead. She was wearing her school uniform, with her hair hanging over her shoulders and down to her lower back. She was holding an open book, that's probably why she bumped into me.

Her head is always in a book.

"Watch where you're going Malfoy," she said looking up at me with her crystal eyes.

"You watch where you're going Miles, " I said back with a grin. "You're always reading, maybe if you looked up for once, you would know where you were going," said Blaise.

She rolled her eyes and walked around us. It was obvious that she hit her forehead, probably on my shoulder. Because she was quite short, not that it's a bad thing, it's just true.

"Watch out next time, " I said in her direction.

She continued to read and walk without any reply. It was annoying and for some reason cute.

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