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Elle's pov

It is Wednesday, it has been over a week since I joined the team. We had practice 3 times a week, an hour-long each session. It was pretty easy and slightly boring for the most part. Besides the times when someone gets a ball to their face or they almost fall off their broom.

Draco was always so cocky when it came to playing, he always had to win. He should try to take a break.

On Wednesday's, practice is early in the morning. So after we showered and got dressed we went to class. My first period was potions, I hated it because of what happened with Draco at the beginning of the year. He would pull something like that at least once a week.

One time he put goblin eyes in my potion and it blew up in my face. My hair burning to a crisp, that doesn't compete with how many times Seamus had blown stuff up but I still didn't like it.

Today in potions we were learning how to make a polyjuice potion. I was paired up with Neville, so I wasn't worried too much, besides the fact that we were trying to make a month-long potion in 1 hour. I think we should be fine.

"The first step is to take 3 measurements of flaxseed and pour it into the cauldron." Said Neville.

I grabbed the flaxseed and did as I was told. "Now add 2 bundles of knotgrass in," said Neville.

"Next step is to mash up lacewing flies," he said looking into the cauldron. "Looks good so far," Neville said with a grin. "Okay, now add 5 whole leaches," he said grossed out looking like he wanted to barf.

I didn't enjoy doing this part of the making but I and Neville both agreed I was better at this part. "Now add a whole bottle of powdered Bicon horn." He said skimming over the rest of the ingredients.

"Finally put in half a bottle of shredded Boomslang skin." He said watching me pouring half the bottle in. I mixed it three times as the book said. Then we waited.

Prof. Slughorn walked over to look at the potion. He took out his notepad to compare our potion to a professionally done one. "Nicely done Longbottom and Miles," said Prof. Slughorn giving Neville a pat on the back.

"If we are partners all year I'm going to ace this class, thank you, Elle," Neville whispered with a smile.

"No problem," I said as the bell rang.

Draco's pov

During potions we made a polyjuice potion, I know it's supposed to take a month to make but we only had 1 hour. Which was bloody insane, how are we supposed to make a month-long potion in an hour?

I was sadly partnered up with Crabbe, every time he looked at me I was returned his gaze with a scowl. I know he used to be my friend, but he lost any respect I had for him the night he touched Elle.

I sat back and watched Crabbe do the work. He wasn't going to do it correctly, but neither was I. So I might as well make him do the work instead.

I was looking around to see how badly everyone else was doing when my eyes caught Elle. She was looking at Longbottom as he read the ingredients, smiling the whole time. They looked cozy.

Her hair was in a high pony, her loose hairs dancing around her face. She was so effortlessly beautiful.

I realized I was staring so I looked away. Until I heard Prof. Slughorns' voice "Nicely done Longbottom and Miles." He said to them patting Longbottom on the back. Did they really manage to complete the potion?

I rolled my eyes to look at Crabbe, he was staring at Elle. "Watch it mate!" I said sternly.

He jumped at the sound of my voice, "Sorry, sorry." He said quickly looking down.

"I won't do it again, I promise." He said with a blank expression.

"I don't usually give second chances Crabbe, back off or you'll regret it," I said to him in almost a whisper.

He shook his head strongly, trying to fix the potion.

"It's useless, leave the potion be. You can't do it." I said looking at the bubbling liquid inside the cauldron.

The bell rang which meant class was finally over.

The day went by slowly like always, dragging my feet from class to class. I didn't go to lunch because I wasn't hungry, so I decided to go to the garden. It was graceful at this time of the year, the crisp air playing against my skin.

The smell of wet leaves, the orange and brown surroundings. That's what I loved about nature, it was beautiful, just like some people.

Most people probably wouldn't expect me to feel this strongly about something like this but I do. Nature is all I really have, besides me of course. I have no real friends, besides my mother, I have no loving family.

All I have is me, it's me against the world.

Elles pov

  Today during lunch I wasn't too hungry. So I got up and headed towards one of my favorite places, the garden.

I loved nature, it was one of the only places where I could find true peace and quiet. I walked into the garden grabbing a book from my bag when I saw Draco. He was lying down on his back next to the little pond at the far end of the garden. His head resting over his crossed arms with one of his legs bent and the other one flat on the ground.

I don't know why but I decided to sit against the tree only about 10 feet away from him. I think he saw me because he looked in my direction, then looked back up at the sky. I opened my book and read about a page when he said "Why aren't you at lunch?"

"I wasn't hungry, what about you?" I asked

"Me neither." He said turning his head. "Let me guess, The Great Gatsby?" he said looking up at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Your book, it's The Great Gatsby," he said sitting up slowly.

"Oh yeah, it is," I said laughing.

"That book is okay, it's quite boring though," he said rolling his eyes.

"You've read The Great Gatsby, I don't believe it," I said staring at him.

"I get why, I hate reading but did read it. It was assigned for a class in year 4." He said turning towards me.  I moved a little closer, to the point where there were only 4 feet of empty space between us.

"Why are you talking to me by the way? I thought you would get up and leave as soon as you saw me." I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I..... I really don't know," he said shrugging.
"You're right, I should not be talking to you," he said as he got up and left, walking into the castle.

I saw a different side of Draco just now, maybe there is more to him than just a spoilt rude snob.

A Slytherin Secret; Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang