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( omari , kehindre, Gloria arrives at i -hop)

Kehindre: I got to go to the bathroom so y'all got get the seats

Gloria : same

Kehindre : omari you gonna be okay alone ?

Omari: yeah 

Kehindre: okay we will be right back

Omari : Itee
               ( a waiter comes and ask omari what's she wants to drink )

Omari: I'm waiting on my friends to come from the bathroom

Waiter: okay , you look very familiar

Omari: so do you

Waiter: well just let me know when your friends come back

         ( Gloria and kehindre comes back from the bathroom)

Kehindre: what me miss and why was that waiter over here checking you out ?

Gloria : right Anit Carlos from biology calss?

Kehindre : it's most definitely is

Omari: I knew I knew him from somewhere I just couldn't think of where

Kehindre : Gloria you thinking what I'm thinking?

Gloria : yeah!

Omari: oh no no no

Kehindre: waiter !

Waiter: yes

Kehindre: we are ready to get out drinks and your name is Carlos right

Waiter : yes , your kehindre and Gloria and omari form biology class right and were Icyiz and Dasani at?

Kehindre  : the one and only s and they went out with there boyfriend's and we didn't t want to leave omari alone so we ditched it

Carlos: yeah y'all true friends

Gloria: yep , Carlos you single ?

Carlos: yeah haven't found the right one

Kehindre: okay how about you and my friend omari go on a date ?

Omari: kehindre what you doing????

Carlos: umm sure if omari wants too

Omari: KEHINDRE???

Kehindre: me and omari will be right back we need to have a little talk and Gloria can you  do your detective work "wink ,wink"

Gloria: okay

               ( omari and kehindre walks to the bathroom... in the bathroom)

Omari: what are you trying to do

Kehindre: omari girl chill I know what I am doing

Omari: and what is that?

Kehindre: I would said getting you a boyfriend but that up to you but I'm getting you a date !

Omari: nope im good I don't need one

Kehindre: omari you haven't had a date since you and Jaylen broke up and that was like 8 weeks ago you have to move on !

Omari: I know but I don't know if he gonna break my heart like Jaylen did

Kehindre: that why I had Gloria do the detective work

Omari: smart cs Gloria knows how to get answers out of people

Kehindre : so you decided you are going on a date with Carlos

Omari: I never said that

Kehindre: come on omari please and look we will make it a double date so that you will Have us with you !

Omari: okay fine I do it

Kehindre: yessssss

           ( kehindre and omari walks back to the table )

Kehindre: let's go ahead and get our drinks out the first I will have a sweet tea make sure it sweet I want you to taste it and if it's not sweet put some sugar in it please but make a different cup and straw

Gloria : lord kehindre I will just have a lemonade

Omari: I will have a sprite

Carlos : okay I will be right back with those drinks

Kehindre : okay
       ( Carlos goes to fix the drinks )

Kehindre: okay Gloria what you find out

Gloria: a lot

Kehindre: okay summarize it up

Gloria : okay basically Carlos had a crush on omari since 9th grade and he is a very sweet and freaky person and he likes t treat girls right if you in a relationship he blocking all girls form his insta and snap and he also not talking to other girls

Kehindre: from what I hear I think he the one

Gloria : right

Omari : well seee

  ( Carlos comes back with the drinks and gives them the drinks )

Carlos : umm so omari about the date do you wanna go?

Omari: well...

Kehindre: omari remember what we talked about

Omari: fine yeah when?

Carlos : how about Friday the fair at 7:00?

Omari: yeah that's sounds good and btw my friends are coming with me

Carlos: okay bett and do they need dates

Kehindre: no we gonna invite our boyfriend and girlfriend.

Carlos : okay we'll see y'all then

Gloria : wait anit you gonna ask us what we want to eat and ask for omari number ?

Carlos: yeah I almost forgot

Kehindre: y'all know what y'all want

Gloria , omari: what we always get the pancakes

Kehindre: okay can I get 14 pancakes with extra butter

Carlos: coming right up and also omari what's your number ?

Omari: it's 334-322-5646

Carlos: okay imma text you tn so you have my number

Omari: okay

    ( Carlos goes get the food )

Gloria and kehindre : look at you getting a date okay we see you okurttttt

Omari: y'all shut up let's eat so we can go home and hopefully the rest of the girls there so kehindre can tell us the important news !!

Gloria : righttt

        ( Carlos brings the food out , they eat it and goes back to omari house )

Kehindre: anybody here ??

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