The images of the mentally unstable three killing people as well made Jeongguk shudder.

"No...I can't," Jeongguk whimpered out as Seokjin clicked his tongue.

Jeongguk sneezed and groaned as he closed his eyes.

"You do not want to eat, you do not want to sleep and now you are sick," Seokjin said making Jeongguk close his eyes to not look at Seokjin.

"What do you want to eat?" Seokjin asked as he got out his work phone.

"Mm no. Blood. No," Jeongguk whimpered out.

"Rice porridge it is," Seokjin said as he sent a message to Yoongi - to pick up the rice porridge - as well as his personal pharmacist. "The food should be here soon," Seokjin said as he slipped the slick pricey cellphone into his pocket.

"How are you okay?" Jeongguk asked softly.

His head pounded as his nose was tickled with a sneeze.

"What do you mean?" Seokjin queered.

Jeongguks eyes opened slowly and focused on the handsome broad-shouldered man. He licked his dry chapped lips quickly as he formed his sentence.

"The killing... How are you not you are you not mentally disturbed?" Jeongguk pried.

Seokjin looked at Jeongguk who lay in the pastel pink covers sick. His gaze lingered on the teenager before falling to look at his hand.

Memories came rushing back to Seokjin causing him to close his eyes.

Jeongguk watched as Seokjin closed his eyes and started to get scared. Had he asked something he was not meant to ask? Was the man going to kill him?

"Tell me, whenever you first started to dance, did your body get sore?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk in response.

Jeongguk thought it was the elder's way of avoiding the question.

"Yeah, after a while I got used to it. Of course, if it's too much for me it will make my body sore," Jeongguk said softly.

"That is how I am mentally. I reached my peak of mental disturbance years ago so now I never get mentally disturbed," Seokjin said before leaving to get the rice porridge Yoongi delivered.

Jeongguk processed what the man had just said and felt himself grow curious. Just what exactly had been the peek for a man who killed various people without even a spare thought. The teenager looked at the male's broad back and somehow knew the answer was something horrifying.

"Go pick up the medicine for Jeongguk. Also, tell either of the other two to bring Jeongguks bottle," Seokjin said to Yoongi.

Yoongi bowed and set off once the door was closed.

Seokjin walked over to Jeongguk with the tray containing the food.

"After you take some medicine you will sleep, okay?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk.

The teenager in turn pouted but said nothing.

The man set the tray down on the bedside table and picked up the teenager in a unicorn onesie. Jeongguk was too weak to fight back and leaned into the warm male once he was sat on the man's lap. It was at that moment the teenager realized just how cold the room was, the warmth of the man was not even enough for the teen to warm up enough.

"You are burning up," Seokjin said to Jeongguk as he grabbed the porridge.

Jeongguks forehead rested in the crook of the broad-mans neck as his feet dangled in the air.

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