17 | go get your girl

Start from the beginning

"Speak for yourself. I wasn't even going to go there," my mother jabbed with the dramatic roll of her eyes.

"Anyways," I stuttered uneasily as my hands tripped over each other to handle the uneven dough, "I just don't want things to end bad between us."

"But how would you know that, Jin Ae?"

"Because I've seen it end badly for Avisa and Leo. And Haven's parents. And countless others out in the world. So the universe is probably going to split me and East apart one day, too. I mean, I'm literally  moving across the world for a career."

"There's also people like me and your dad. Like East's parents. And probably a ton of others who haven't gotten divorced, Jin."

I knew my mother was trying her best to reason with me from a well-intentioned place, but all I could think about was how lucky yet unlucky East and I were. To have coincidentally met at the same time, same day, with absolutely zero clues in the world about our unfortunate doom in the future. We were perfect until we were not, and that's what made the most hesitant about moving to Korea. Because what if we ended up being "good" again?

"Tell East when you're ready to," my mother carefully advised, her words laced with the softest of tones, "But don't leave him hanging. Someone that important to you should know what you're thinking. Especially for as big of a decision as this."

I stood still, eyes closed, as my head spun tirelessly in circles. "Where's appa, dad?"

"Yeobo! Honey! Can you come here?" my mother sung in a high pitched voice that completely shattering my once calm facade.

As soon as I saw my father turning the corner from his office, I could feel my legs having a mind of its own as it trudged forward, one foot in front of the other until I jumped right in front of him. When I firmly closed my eyes, I embraced him.

"Saranghae, appa. I love you, dad. Thanks for being a great father. Thanks for never leaving."

"You're mumbling, Jin." My father chuckled heartily. He inserted some space in between us by placing his hands on my shoulders. "What did you say?"

My eyes fluttered open right as my chin pointed up to look at my father. "I love you and mom. So much. But why is love so scary with other people?"

"You're pretty dense for a twenty four year old, huh?"

I firmly rested my hands on my hips. "Why is everyone saying that today? Am I really that dense?"

My father leaned over and planted a kiss on my forehead. "I just mean that considering how fast your brain works for business related stuff, it's amusing to see you struggling to understand something as simple as love."

"Love is not simple." I patted my father on the shoulder in awful sympathy because even I knew that.

"It can be," him and my mother simply replied.

"Then why can't I figure out my feelings with East? I feel like I keep going in circles."

"Just answer one question: Do you like him?" my mother inquired.

"Yeah, of course I do."

"Ah, but do you love him?" My father mischievously grinned, almost as if he was having one heck of a time seeing his daughter absolutely and completely stressed.

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