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Yoongi can deal with soft touches and caring thoughts. He'd been in BTS long enough to know what love feels like. Whether it be the most dumbest thing he's ever seen to the moment where he breaks down and has people surrounding him, calming him through his storm, being there for him so that he doesn't have to be brave alone. He knows love.

And it's because BTS have been together for so long, being the reason that their love is so strong and undeniably beautiful. Yoongi thinks about it more than he'd like to admit. When he found out he was going to move to Seoul to work for an entertainment company, he accepted the ache in his heart knowing he'd have to leave his family and friends. He never expected to come to Seoul to meet a second version of family and even more friends.

Bangtan were Yoongi's friends then, and they are his friends now. The other members have their own friends outside of the group. Of course they do. They're the greatest people Yoongi has met in his life. They have personalities of gold. Yoongi doesn't have what they have. He doesn't have a group of friends to go to the movies with or get ice cream and banter with. Perhaps he's jealous, and perhaps it's because BTS are his friends that he's jealous. Maybe he's scared to lose them.

"Hyung," Jungkook would tilt his head in a questioning way. He'd sit across the room and give Yoongi odd glances. "aren't you going to hang out with your friends? Jin hyung has been going out almost every weekend. I'm beginning to wonder what he does." He'd laugh.

Yoongi had actually been out with Seokjin before, being dragged to go fishing. If "dragged" is equal to Yoongi very easily giving in to Jin's offer to fish. Yoongi doesn't even enjoy fishing as much as Jin does. He only goes for Jin, tiptoeing around their friendship and wondering if he'll get to see Jin smile again when he catches a big one.

  He likes to see his friends smile.

"No." Yoongi would answer Jungkook. "I'm going to the gym. You coming or not?"

That's what he usually does. Gym, eat, sleep, relax. Whatever it is that Yoongi can do that doesn't involve other people. He doesn't really need other people all too much, anyways. Practice with the boys, their schedules worked out together always comes through for him. He gets to spend time with them enough.

Well.. sometimes maybe not enough.

Like now on tour, Yoongi somehow still wishes that they didn't all have to go to sleep right after their first day of their tour. Sure, they were tired. Yoongi takes time to wind down after concerts. There is no after party or celebration like people would think. After their concert, the boys hide up in their hotel rooms and eventually wind down to sleep.

Yoongi somehow managed to go to sleep earlier than usual. He was probably tired after their first concert. He stripped to get into his pajamas and he quickly got into bed, curling up into a little ball, wishing that someone was there to wrap his arms around— or for someone to do that to him instead.

Yeah, Yoongi pretends to hate the soft touches and platonic actions from the members. There should be nothing to pretend about, but Yoongi can't help it. He gets flustered too easily and he never knows what to do when the guys show him so much attention. He didn't grow up being a touchy person. It's new to him. Despite that, he still can't help but secretly want to be able to cuddle like Hoseok and Jungkook do, or like Jimin and Taehyung do.

Taehyung's the worst for Yoongi when it comes to affection and touching.

Unlike the other members, Taehyung is persistent in wanting to torture Yoongi in that field. Even when Yoongi tries to get away, he still finds himself giving into Taehyung too easily. It's because everything goes to Yoongi's head the moment Taehyung so much as looks at him. He knows that he'll give in to whatever Taehyung wants. Taehyung knows this as well, but doesn't use it to his advantage much. He stops himself most times. Especially if Yoongi slightly seems uncomfortable.

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