(chapter 17) A beautiful flight

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Sorry I've been away for quite a while but school is keeping me so busy... and since the chapters don't seem to be getting fixed from editing im thinking of rewriting this story like copy paste the chapters in a new one please, let me know what you guys think about this cuz I'm new here and I don't know much.. anyways enough of my rambling, back to the chapter 17.. xD


(Your PoV)

Wow...berk is so beautiful with such kind people in it..so far these last weeks of looking and exploring around these people in Berk have treated me so nicely making me feel home. And of course I've found dragons that we don't have back in (I/n) and I'm really happy finally writting them down on my journal for my dragon research.

Right now, the sun was almost setting and i was walking down a beautiful grass field with (D/n) looking around as some air blew gently over my (H/c) hair. I then felt some pair of familiar strong arms wrap around me. I turned around to see hiccup smilling with a cute blush on his face making his face as red as a tomato. He then took my hand gently in his cupping my cheek. "M'lady, how is Berk so far? Do you like it?" I smilled leaning into his sweet touch saying back "yes, of course i like it its so different from home..yet its so welcoming and filled with new dragons I've never seen before!" He then laughed saying "oh what like that changewing you saw? I thought you had some back there in (I/n)" I just rolled my eyes and smilled at him "you dummy, the climate and environment in most parts of (I/n) isn't good for most of these dragons here to live so yes" he then smiled back saying "fine fine you cutie, you win. Hmm wanna come for a ride with me and toothless?" I grinned and nooded happily "sure! Of course i would want to." I gave him a quick peck on his lips and got on (D/n) I smirked a little seeing his flushed yet shocked face.

"C'mon hiccup lets get going!" "S...sure let me get on toothless" then he got on toothless and we both flew away off high in the air nearly touching the clouds and the sun setting perfectly creating purple, pink and orange colours in the sky. It was so beautiful yet so stunning to stare at. (Like the pic above.)

I them saw hiccup gesturing me to come over to him and hop on toothless. I jumped gently and landed on his lap. I saw where I was and i immediately hid my blushing face in his chest quickly hopping he wouldn't notice. But of course he did noticed it. He was chuckling quietly as he got my face in his hands and gently got me back up and away from his chest. Toothless stopped flying higher and faster and started slowly gliding as the sunset was right in front of us and (D/n) gliding next to toothless. Hiccup then lifted my chin up bringing his soft lips on mine. It was like time has stopped from how sweet and loving this kiss was. It didn't last long though cuz we both pulled away for air. He then brought me closer as i layed against him hearing him whyspering "I cant believe I have you with me right now all these days, you are so beautiful,smart,cute and perfect girl i would ever want to have in my life..I love you so much (Y/n).."  I blushed madly at his words and whyspered back "T...thank you hiccup I love you too" then I rested my head on his chest again looking at the sunset and him resting his on top of mine admiring the beautiful sunset in front of us..

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