(Chapter 1) A new begining

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Hello again everyone there are also some other things that you will need here in this chapter (that i forgot to put in the introduction,really sorry!! 😂) Which is:

(Y/M/n) your mother's name

(Y/F/n) your father's name

Note: when it has the (Y/F/n) then its the above,if its (F/n) its your best friend!!

Enjoy the story!!!


Your prov
(your point of view😉)

I was sleeping into my soft and warm sheets of my bed,when someone woke me rather rudely,of course it was my best friend (F/n). But why should I be mad at her? She always stands by my side when I need her."(Y/n)!!! C'mon wake up you lazy little girl!" She kept yelling so that I would get to get up sometime,soon I groaned and said "please (F/n) let me sleep a little bit more,besides we do have all day for ourselves.."

"Its true but you still need to get ready" she spoke more quietly now,then she began shaking me awake until I give up "fine fine! Im up stop it!"

"Awesome! Im going downstairs to make breakfast,see you there" she said grinning while heading to get the food done. I got off of the bed and chose an outfit for the day (you get to choose here *wink*) then combed my hair and finally headed downstairs.

As soon as I got there,I smelt something delicious! This also meant that the breakfast was done already,like finally! "Aha,there you are (Y/n) took you long to get down you sleepyhead."she was smiling while holding two plates full of bacon and some cheese. She then placed them on the table along with two glaces of water.

I looked hungrily at the meal while smiling as well but (F/n) then said while patting the empty chair next to her "come over to eat,you already look like a hungry dragon" I sat next to her and began eating quietly

--------------breakfast skip!----------------

After we were done with our breakfast we desided to discuss what we should do next. "Oh how about we explore our island (I/n) ? (There is a picture of how your island looks like above) Its been a while ago since we last did so" I really liked exploring places but ever since both mine and (F/n)'s parents had died in a dragon raid things had changed we are living together with (F/n) ever since, I really loved (Y/M/n) and (Y/F/n),but no need to bring up those memories right now,they are really sad to talk about. "Wow,thats a wonderfull idea! We should go and pack our stuff,this is going to be amazing after all those years ago." (F/n) squealed in joy and hugged me tight,or should I say really tight.

"Ok ok (F/n)....I need....air...please.." I said that above a whisper but she heard it and let me go "ops sorry,anyways lets get ready and go out there" and with that we went upstairs to get all the things we need.

------------------Time skip-------------------

After we got ready with our things we are going to need for the exploration we started walking to one of the most magnificent but rather dangerous place in (I/n),the Mystical Forest.

I look at the horizon while keep walking up ahead with (F/n) beside me thinking 'I wonder what is out there,since nobody has ever been to Mystical Forest. Maybe some mythical creatures? Or monsters? Or....dragons?'

' This is totally a new begining!!!'


So how was it??? Tell me if you liked it,next chapter coming soon!!

Clear Skies (hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now