Chapter 4: Regected

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-No one's pov-

"because if it is love you like me killua?" Killua eyes widen and looks at Gon, "I...I..." killua was lost for words he didnt know how to answer gon "killua I'm asking you like me?" Gon was feeling impatient he wanted to hear what killua had to say. "What do I say to him!! Do I really like him....No I'm not gay! I cant like a guy!!" Killua said said these in his thoughts, he was having fix feelings but then he finally had an answer for gon.

"So what is your answer killua.." killua took a deep breath and stared straight right into Gon's sweet golden honey eyes and with no hesitation killua said "No... I dont like you, how could i ever like a guy like you, especially a gay" gon's beautiful colored eyes turned dark brown and made a sad look.

Killua was hurt in the inside when Gon's face looked like that "well then I guess I was right....and since you made it very clear...i dont want you anywhere near me now and forever" Gon pushed killua out of the way and walked off leaving killua alone in the alleyway.

-Killua's pov-

I watched as gon left me here in this dark alleyway, alone, with no light to reach out for. My heart sank as I felt like I did something wrong, "did I really make the right choice....." I then slapped my face "No, I didnt do anything wrong and its true...." I clenched my fist and started to head home.

-Gon's pov-

It took awhile but I made it to my apartment, I open the door and walked in, I look around my place and sigh as it was a mess. "I guess I'm gonna have to clean this all up now" I shut the door behind me and lock it, Gon then open a closet where he took out a broom and some cleaning supplies. "Okay now...let's get started" It took gon a while to finish cleaning but manage to get the job done.

I look around as my place was finally clean "heh, I acttually did a good job..." Gon stood there for a good minute before he then went to the bathroom to wash up and change. I laid down on my bed to where I had a flashback to when killua regretted me, I sigh and shrug off that thought and tried to sleep.

-Killua's pov-

I was walking home and it was getting pretty dark but it didnt really matter to me I always stayed out late but always ended up getting in trouble when I got home.

A little bit later I got home to the sound of my mother yelling at me "Killua where have you been this whole time!! I've been worried sick!!" She said as grabbed killua by the shoulders "get your hands off me you old hag" I slap her hands away and walked up to my room. "why does she have to be so god damm annoying..." I sigh and walk into my room to my surprise I found alluka in my room waiting for me, "Onii-chan your back!!" She gave a great huge smile and hugged killua "Alluka what are you doing in my room?!"

"I was waiting for you onii chan, it was so lonely without you!!" She made a sad pouting face, killua sigh but smiles back at little alluka "sorry for not coming back sooner" I place my hand on top of her head and gave her a smile "it's alright onii chan...but next time you better come back alright!" I laugh "yes yes I'll be back earlier next time" she gives a big smile as she hugs killua and obviously I hug her back.

"So onii chan why were you so late coming back home?" She looks up at me "umm...dont worry about it alright, I just lost track of time" alluka knew that something was bothering killua "your lying big brother I can tell cause it's written all over your face" sweat drops from his face as he looks away "no I'm not...also arent you supposed to be in bed right now?" I looked back at her "well I wanted to sleep with you big brother!" She let go of killua and sat on his bed, I sigh and didnt have any objection to this "alright then...just dont be moving alot alright" I said giving her a mean funny looking cat face, she laughs at this "dont worry big brother I wont be a bother for you" i nod and head to the bathroom to wash up and change.

A little later I come back out and find alluka already sleeping, I smile and lay next to her, my mind started to run off as i thought about gon, his bright, his eyes such sweet golden honey, and his smooth tanned skin these things made my heart skip a beat, just thinking about him made my cheeks grow hot, I slap my cheeks and remember what I said to him that there made my heart ache. Seeing gons face go from happy, angry, soft, and sad look all those emotions made me feel like I did wrong. I didnt want to worry about this anymore and so i started to drift off into my sleep.

-Gon's pov-

I heard the sound of my alarm going off, I get up and turn it off. I rub my eyes and look at the time, to my surprise I had woken up really early but in the end I still had to go to school. Gon gets ready and does everything he do in his daily routine, after he was done getting ready and finished eating he grabbed his bag and head out for school.

A little later gon reaches school and barely anyone was here but I was relieved because I didnt have to interact with anyone but anyway I go to my locker and grab my stuff, when i was about to head fo class I suddenly crashed into someone and causing me to lose my balance, before I could hit the cold ground I felt hands wrapped around my waist, I look up to see a boy with brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. "I'm so sorry! Are you hurt alright?!" He lifts me up and started to apologize many times "it's alright you domt need to be sorry" I said as I chuckled a bit and smiled "oh whew that's good.....well the names zushi" he puts his hand out waiting for me to shake his hand back "the names Gon....Gon Freecss"

Okay folks gon had appeared to meet a new person, will gon become friends with him, what will happen when Killua see Gon hanging around with Zushi Well you'll find out in the next chapter so stay tuned for more to come!!.

Date: September 16, 2020

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