Season 2 Chapter 10 Finally: reunited

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-couple of hours before the rescue-

"So this is where he is?"


"Are you a 100% sure"

"Yes. Killua It is"

Hisoka said placing his hands onto his hips. Frowning at killua for doubting him.

"Well I just wanted to make sure okay"

"So how are we exactly going to execute this plan?"

Leorii said questioning the main plan of how to exactly save gon.

"Since I'm the only one who knows. I'll tell you exactly what we need to do and what we need"

He said with a wide grin.

"So what is it we need for this?"

Kurapika said now wanting to know.

"First off we need guns and luckily for you I so happen to have some"

"Wait- we need guns?!"

Kurapika said in disbelief.

"Yeah we are going somewhere that's basically underground and we have no clue what might me down there.

"Whatever let's just get going and save gon and we do it by any mean necessary"

"See I like it when you put your big boy pants on"

"Shut the fuck up hisoka"

"Alright then"

They all began to walk to the car and load it with the things they needed.

They all enter the car buckling in and prepared. Well only three of them were prepared.

"Are you guys sure this is even illegal? Like we are carrying weapons and so-"


"Yeah I'll just shut my mouth"

The car engine would start up and makes its way to the underground facility.

"So how did you find this place anyway?"

"Illumi sent me the location not too long out"

"Wait- what!?"

"Yeah illumi has his location on so I figure that's where he'll be"

"Oh God. I keep forgetting your with my brother who kidnapped gon"

"Yeah funny right"

"Just shut up already and let me know when we're here"

"Okie dokie"

Killua leaned his head up against the window and his eyes grew droopy since he was so tired not having to beable to sleep at night because of gon being missing.

Once his eyes closed shut, he was lost in a dream...

The car stopped suddenly all fast and killua woke up abruptly.

"What the hell!"

"Were here"

Killua looked out the window to see a huge open field.

"Are you really sure it's here?"

"Like I said before I'm a 100% sure"

They all look at eachother and nod. They all got out of the car at once and opened the back of the trunk where piles of guns laid.

"How do you even have this many?"

"We go hunting quite alot"

He said smiling.

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