Anxiety attack

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Tw: anxiety, voices, self harm

Jayden's Pov

I didn't know what had triggered it. Maybe it was the fact it was the first day back? Or maybe it was that I hated people and was currently in a room full of them.

Please don't let her pick on me, I prayed as the teacher scanned the room, looking for someone to answer the question.

Anxiety attacks were pretty common for me but they didn't usually get this bad however, one of my bullies was sat right behind me. As he whispered something to his friend, they both burst out laughing.

"They're laughing at you." The voice in my head said. My leg began shaking faster.

"Jayden! What's the answer to question 3?" My teacher asked.

"Umm... I...." I started, "I-I don't know...."

I could feel my breathing becoming shallow. At this rate I was going to pass out if I wasn't careful. Paying attention to the lesson was definitely out of the question. I frantically scratched at my wrist, trying to focus on the pain (not a healthy way to deal with it I know).

"Does anyone else know?" She asked. Hands shot up as it was a pretty simple question, I just couldn't focus.

Once we had started the work, I noticed the teacher coming over to me.

"Jayden, I've notified one of the counsellors and they're going to come and take you somewhere safe to calm down okay sweetie?" She spoke softly. "I'm not sure what's got you so worked up but I can tell that you need help."

Still shaking, I just nodded. As much as I hated the idea of the school knowing about my anxiety, I had no choice and to be fair, it was probably for the best. There was no way I'd get any work done in this lesson.

A few long minutes passed until I heard the door open.

I kept my head down as I tried to regulate my breathing. I'd broken the skin on my wrist and could start to feel the familiar burn.

Hearing footsteps, I slowly lifted my head to see who the stranger was.

A youngish man, dressed like a teacher, walked into the room and made his way over to me.

"Hey there darling, my name's Luke. What's yours?" He said softly.

I was too far gone to form words. I turned to the notes page in my planner and answered his question. I was surprised he could read my writing due to my shaking.


"Hey Jayden, how about we go somewhere calmer yeah?"

When I didn't reply, he continued.

"I'm not gonna push you to talk, everything's on your terms okay? You're in control."

I thought it over. This was the first time anyone had taken the time to actually help me properly. It's not like I would have to explain anything. He literally just said I wouldn't have to talk. But then again, people aren't generally known for keeping their word. If there's one thing I've learnt during the five years I've been in this hell, it's that you can't trust anyone.

Unfortunately, I knew I didn't have a choice. If was either stay here with everyone staring at me, or go and actually calm down.

Reluctantly, I nodded. I just wanted to get out of here. Everyone staring was beginning to make it worse. My leg was shaking faster than humanly possible. My breathing, fast and ragged. If I stayed here, I would pass out.

"Yeah? Everything's gonna be fine sweetheart. Bring your stuff with you and we'll head to my office."

I quickly packed up my stuff, slung my bag over my shoulder and practically ran out the room.

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