House Call

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A/N , Thank you so much for all the reads! If you have requests let me know :)

Jace's PoV

"Mum I don't need a doctor! It's just a bug I'm fine!" I yelled from the bathroom after throwing up for the third time today. "I'll just sleep it off."

"I'm not sure, it seems really bad," she said coming into the bathroom and feeling my forehead.
"Jace you're burning up, you need a doctor, no arguments."

I hated doctors. I had really bad social anxiety and really didn't like the thought of a stranger touching me.
"I'm tired, I'm just gonna go lay on the sofa and sleep please." I fought.

"Fine, there's other ways for you to see a doctor."

What the hell?!


I was awoken by the doorbell ringing and muffled voices coming from the hallway.

"Thank you so much for coming, Jace doesn't like doctors so it's really hard to convince them to see one."

"It's quite alright! It was a slow day anyways. Where are they?"

"They're in there on the sofa," I heard Mum saying, "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

"What are they comfortable with me calling them?" The voice asked. "I like to use terms of endearment with scared patients but I want to make sure Jace is comfortable"

"They like being called darling when they're sick"

"Okay thank you."

What the hell was going on?! Why was I bring referred to as a patient?!

I heard footsteps and felt someone rubbing my shoulders.

"Hey there Jace, can you open your eyes for me?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

I pretended to be asleep.

"Jace come on, I know you're awake."

Opening my eyes, I came face to face with a young man who, I'm not going to lie, was pretty cute. His dirty blonde hair was halfway between styled and messy and his soft brown eyes brought me a strange sense of comfort. He was wearing dark blue scrubs...wait...scrubs?!

I sat up and brought my legs up to my chest, curling up into a protective ball.

" Hi Jace, I'm Doctor Madden but you can call me Logan."

I didn't answer. I just curled even further in on myself.

"So your mum said you've been throwing up and you have a fever," he stated. "So I'll just take a look at you and we'll go from there okay?"

I just hugged my legs tighter and buried my face in my knees, making no move to co-operate.

"Oh darling you are nervous aren't you" He questioned softly, his voiced laced with concern.

Slowly, I nodded.

"There's no need to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. You can have full control. I won't do anything without your consent and if you don't want me to do certain things, then we can talk and maybe compromise okay? All I want to do is help you. No harm will come to you when you're with me, I promise."

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