Chapter 9. Arrival

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Flore shook away his past feelings, watching as Katakuri pulled the ship into Hapu Port in the early morning.

The sun was beginning to rise out in the distance, and once docked Katakuri called to Flore to board land.

Flore assumed Katakuri made the correct provisions beforehand, as a random ship couldn't just dock here without rousing suspicion.

There was already a bountiful welcome party here to greet the tall Charlotte. Flore proceeded to leap off the side of the ship and gently land next to him.

"And this is?" A person asked looking at the newcomer standing next to their guest. Flore wasn't sure on how to respond, or if he should be the one to say anything.

"Flore," Katakuri answered. "My subordinate."

"Ah, of course," the man said. "Welcome you two, you must be weary from your travels. I already went ahead and notified the capital of your arrival."

Katakuri exchanged a few words with the man as Flore looked around the port. He was really just disinterested, and unable to fully clear his mind.

"We're heading out now," Katakuri nudged Flore's shoulder with his leg.

"Right, yeah," Flore was brought back into the present, following the welcoming party that would lead them into the capital.

Flore thought for a second that there was a possibility of the posters still being here waiting to be unloaded. Although if they were, he would be in a suspicious bind trying to search and tamper with imported cargo.

He felt nervous at having to leave behind this potential opportunity, but he was smart enough to know when to strike best at.

If luck wasn't on his side, the posters would already be scattered around Wano. He would be recognized as an infiltrating enemy and be hanged as a result if overpowered. If Katakuri was seen with him, it could arouse much worse suspicions of two enemies being visiting subordinates.

The weight of the matter really began to dawn onto the man, making him wonder if this was the right decision. Just being here could risk exposure, and even if the shipment hadn't reached the capital, he'd still have to find where it would be placed for distribution before it ever comes.

Lost in thought on the journey to the capital, Flore couldn't help but constantly worry about what fate would be awaiting him there.

Meanwhile Katakuri was by his side, glancing down at the shorter man's worried face. He could almost tell what was troubling his "subordinate", but said nothing as to not add to his stress even more.

The escorts were lively, going on about how hard they were working lately and what to goof around to do later. They're shyness at leading Katakuri at first had dissapeared now as they went on through the entirety of the journey.

The two were led past several small towns and areas of the like, and Flore had immediately noticed the surroundings despite his constant worries.

He had heard of Wano many times, as it was a proud and traditional land filled with beauty and splendor... and in real life it seemed so unhappy.

Villagers lived in old huts as kids ran around in rags. The stench of old water could be smelled from nearby streams, probably polluted, and people looked tired and worn.

It all looked depressing and uncomfortable. The escorts gave it all but a second glance, probably used to the conditions by now. Wano seemed much more different than anticipated, and Flore became confused about what he heard prior.

Totto Land was also a sort of country ruled by one of the 4 emperors, and when Flore had seen it there were much better conditions. Of course people had to actually sell off their souls to live there, it at least seemed somewhat more favorable than this.

Flore's worries turned more onto the state of the country, feeling concerned that people looked starved and tired. He had only heard about so many positives, albeit from marines, and began to disregard their words.

"You look like you've been lost in thought this whole time," Katakuri said somewhat quietly, as to not have the escorts overhear.

"Don't the towns all look awful? I just wasn't expecting poor conditions like this."

"Kaido keeps all of the wealth and power in the capital. I'm not surprised that it drains alot from the rest of the country."

"So the capital isn't like the rest of these towns?" Flore asked. Katakuri looked up ahead in response.

Flore followed his gaze, his eyes taking in the scenery of the capital far away atop a beautiful hill surrounded by mountains.

Trees of green and pink were scattered across the landscape, with a large red bridge in sight to invite them inside the beautiful place. It looked nothing similar to the towns from before, as it was a lush and rich city that looked like something one would see on a postcard.

Flore and Katakuri momentarily stood in awe, wondering what would await them there.

"It's so...beautiful."


The party carried on towards their destination, midway being stopped at the large red bridge that offered one access to come into the capital. The group of men escorting Katakuri and Flore explained the situation, much to the shock of the guards, who then took over the duo's journey inside.

Katakuri spoke with the guards escorting them as Flore looked around the parts of the city he could see. It was an obviously beautiful place, and the man had never seen anything like it.

The buildings were in a sort of architectural style he had never seen, giving the city a traditional look that better matched It's surroundings. It looked like the kind of place ninjas would live at, and if so then Kaido was the commanding shogun.

The bridge came to an end, where a busy street bustled with citizens. It became apparent that the guards were leading us to a sort of hotel to stay at for the week, and the two would be escorted throughout the city on route to it.

It really did feel like a joyful moment, until Flore felt the hundreds of eyes suddenly open him.

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