Chapter 6. Halted Sailing

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Katakuri had sat down in his room.

He had checked on Flore a while ago, noticing the boy was fast asleep on deck and hadn't moved since setting out.

It dawned on him that Flore must have a dependency on rest more than an average person. It could have something to do with his devil fruit abilities, but Katakuri's knowledge of Flore's powers wasn't much. He was aware of the main aspects, that Flore worked with plants and had mastery over them, and it gave him a long list of possible uses for combat or day to day life. He hadn't known that Flore could speed up the process of healing until now, and wasn't sure of the details about how he did it either.

The two had only met once before, back when Flore was traveling throughout Totto Land. He remembered there being a string of cases of where Big Mom's tax* wasn't being collected as usual, and Katakuri had discovered Flore was the reason why.


Big Mom's tax*- Residents of Totto Land, by law, must give up a tax equal to 1 month of their lifespan every 6 months in exchange for protection by living there. It is rarely known that not paying and attempting to leave Totto Land will result in death penalty.


Flore had been destroying tax collectors  during to take 1 month portions of people's souls away from them, and was especially furious when discovering it was an imposed law.

Of course Katakuri didn't take too kindly to this stranger breaking the law and causing disturbances, and quickly went to deal with Flore.

He remembered back to their fight at that moment, and after everything was finished Flore had dissapeared never to return until now.

Katakuri had feelings of doubt that this man traveled across the ocean only to give an apology, but after seeing him tend to his wounds like that it somewhat changed his mind.

It had become more to him to join Flore on this trip than just patching him up, it felt as if he wanted more time around this stranger. Flore had only been around him once in their lives, and he was beginning to feel the same unspoken understanding of why the man had come back out of nowhere.

Katakuri couldn't place it for now, and with the sound of a commotion outside he would have to wait until later.


"Search for anything of value," Katakuri heard. He stepped out of his room and down the hall, looking out through the mirror of the door leading to the deck.

A small ship was now close by, with its crew having gotten on board and beginning to loot the deck.

Flore was missing from his spot, and using his future sight Katakuri looked up at the mast to find his compatriot standing above the deck on a beam.

He knew what Flore's first move is, and activated his armament haki.

Flore meanwhile waved out a hand, sprinkling down seeds that lightly rained down onto the deck below.

He jumped down next, landing with a thud on the ground as the invaders looked at the newcomer. Flowers of beautiful colors and sweet smells grew out across the deck from Flore's seeds, sending out a calming smell throughout the air.

Flore watched as those closest to him were the first to fall, with eventually the rest to follow as Flore's abilities worked their charm.

Katakuri now stood out of the door now, watching the invaders convulse on the ground around Flore.

The two noticed that one person still remained unharmed.

A man in dark clothing with a haki imbued sword on him stood tall and proud. He had no symptoms and no issue moving towards Flore.

"It looks like your poison isn't gonna work on me," he grinned. "I guess armament haki users have no trouble with it."

"As if that's my only trick," Flore glared up at the man. "You act like I just lost."

"No, I just won," the stranger was now behind Flore. Katakuri's eyes widened at the sight of Flore's right arm now severed off.

Flore was surprised as well, noticing his arm being missing from the elbow down. The remaining piece layed on the ground next to him.

"It's rude to be cocky like that, kid," he turned back to Flore. "You should've kept quiet and maybe I could've finished you off in one go."

Flore's face darkened, with him turning back to face the man. "You actually cut my arm off.."

"The other arm is next," the man readied himself again to make his move. His speed was incredible once again, yet instead of aiming for the other arm he had positioned himself at Flore's chest.

Katakuri watched closely. The sword had gone straight through Flore and out the other end of his body.

The man seemed confused and shocked, having not felt much resistance at all when striking through him. His blade had gone through yet no blood came out, nor did Flore seem pained.

"A sword for weed eating seems a little excessive?" Flore asked the man, whose sword was now becoming wrapped in vines from inside of the wound.

Flore's missing arm was already recovered, having grown back during his opponent's shock settling in. The sword was quickly pulled out of his chest before it could become ensnared.

"What are you?" The man seemed scared now, having the tables turn on him.

Flore teasingly kicked his severed arm over to the man, issuing a scream as it bumped against him.

"Just a gardener," Flore chuckled at the reaction, revealing a somewhat crude side of himself. "Anyway, your friends are comatized and you're obviously outmatched. You never even noticed Katakuri watching us."

The man turned in Katakuri's direction, instilling more fear into him at the sight of the sweet commander. If he couldn't scratch Flore then there was no chance of subduing Charlotte.

"We've just started sailing, and I've hardly slept," Flore looked more upset and bothered now. "You can't even best me at my worst so hurry and leave."

The man looked angered at this. His fists were clenched as his head dropped down in a moment to consider the situation. The stress of fighting two devil fruit users with haki abilities wasn't something he was prepared for.

But his pride couldn't just let him submit.

He glared angrily at Flore. Flore readied himself as the man approached quickly with his sword.

Flore narrowed his eyes, seeing the man had made his decision to keep fighting.

The altercation didn't last but a few moments, with the man being stopped halfway over towards Flore. Katakuri's eyes curiously looked at what had happened, as the sword user now layed on the ground dead.

Roots and vines had exploded out of his stomach in all directions, killing him instantly.

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