Chapter 8. Hurting

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Crowds of people surrounded the house. Kids pointed and shouted as parents watched in awe.

A lush garden layed before them, in front of a well sized house that belonged to a pair of twins and their parents. The garden was incredibly vibrant, and gave off sweet mixtures of smells coming from the greenery.

Waves of rainbow-esque coloration filled the area with awe and scenic pleasure. A young girl stood in a path located in the middle of it all, with the crowd watching as she expertly played a shiny violin.

From the instrument came a stream of black music notes that seemed to materialize in thin air. They filled the surroundings while adding more beauty to the scene. Next to the violinist was a young boy, exchanging fruits for beli coins. Their "show" was intended to attract people in the surrounding area and make profit off of them, to which it worked very well.

A beautiful area with music to match became a landmark in the town over the years. People could purchase cheap produce of the best quality, as well as stay to enjoy the sights and music. The twins had peaked now more than ever before, and had quickly obtained a comfortable amount of wealth.

The boy finished a transaction with a family, putting his money away as the next person in line came up to him.

"Hi there," he greeted the child his age. "What are you looking for today? The price is fixed at-"

The customer landed a firm punch into the boy's face, knocking him back onto the ground as his sister stopped midsong to help him.

"Flore, are you alright?" She quickly helped him up, showing deep concern.

"I'm okay," he touched over his stinging face. A stream of blood ran down his nose and past his lips.

"What was that for?" Flore angrily said to the attacker. The crowd had gone silent and hesitant at the situation.

The customer wasn't a regular person, but instead the child of a wealthy merchant family in town. The twins had only seen him on several occasions, but even then inherently knew who he was.

Kode Ambersen.

"Because you deserve it," the Ambersen child said flatly. "You should be apologizing for making my hand sting like that."

"Then don't punch him next time," the twin girl, Floret, angrily responded.

"Watch your mouth," the boy snarled at her. "I'll get straight to the point here. You had your fun with your stupid little show and business, and I'm ordering you to take it down on my parent's behalves."

"As if," Floret sneered. "We aren't doing anything illegal."

"That doesn't matter," Kode said. "You're putting a dent in our profits, and that makes you an enemy."

"Why would we care?" Flore asked. "You think having the one produce shop around is the best way to get customers? No one can ever afford your prices."

"Shut it," Kode looked at the twins angrily. "You have until the end of the day. Hand the money over to us, break the violin, and destroy this ugly garden."

"And if we don't?" Floret challenged with a smirk. "What? You'll tattle?"

A few chuckles came from the crowd as the boy seethed.

"Leave!" He commanded to the other people. "Or you're all next!"

The mood became uneasy once more, and the townspeople hurried away back to their homes.

"You better do it," Kode turned back to the twins. "I'll make you regret it if you don't."

With that he turned away, walking off as Flore wiped the blood off his lower face. "He's such an ass.."

"He's bluffing," Floret put a hand on her brother's shoulder. "Come on, let's go get you fixed up."


Lights came from outside the window as Flore suddenly layed up, feeling alert and suddenly worried.

Floret, who had been sitting on the edge of his bed, hurried and quietly shushed him. "Mom and dad are outside, they told me to stay here and keep quiet with you."

Flore nodded, with his sister grabbing his arm and pulling him out of bed and towards the window.

"Something is going on outside," she whispered. She gently pulled a curtain back as Flore peeked through the window right next to her.

There were several people in the front yard. They immediately spotted their parents, who were talking to a few people as others looked around the garden.

"Look," Flore said, almost in a whisper. Floret then noticed that Kode was there, with who was probably his parents.

"Why is he... what are they doing?" Floret asked out loud.

The two looked out as the streetlights halfway illuminated the yard, with their parents talking with Kode's.

Flore, with Floret's hand still on him, seized up stiffly in a sudden jerk.

"What's wrong?" His sister asked. He began to feel as if his mind had become much more clear and could then sense the situation.

"We need to go," Flore said, feeling panicked. "Now," he tugged Floret away from the window.

Two gunshots sounded from right outside. Floret let out a shrill gasp before Flore yanked her out of the room.

She began trembling as he hurried her throughout the house, reaching the kitchen in the back as the front door opened.

"Find the kids then burn it all down!" A man ordered. The twins sneaked across the dark room, with Flore fiddling with the back-door's locks.

"They're coming!" His sister hissed silently in alarm. Flore eventually managed to undo the locks, quietly opening the door and slipping his sister out first into the dark backyard.

Smoke began to fill the air as he closed the door behind him. The two ran across the yard and into the forest beyond. Floret stumbled on top of Flore as an explosion went off behind them, sending the kids on the dark ground.

The house had gone up in flames when they weren't found inside, and their parents were most definitely on the receiving end of the gunshots.

Kode kept to his word by making them regret their decision.

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