Chapter 14. Share the Bed Dude

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"You're fucking kidding me."

Flore let out a light but angry sigh. Shortly after laying in bed next to Katakuri, he realized that there was only enough room for him to halfway fit onto the side of the mattress.

Katakuri had already fallen asleep, being more tired to begin with, leaving Flore half falling over with no sheets over him in the darkness of the room to fend for himself.

In hindsight, a queen sized bed meant to fit that of a regular sized man and another man three times his size was never going to work out. Once Katakuri was asleep he had spread out across the entire bed and took up even more space, and stole the entire comforter away for himself.

Between the gentle rise and fall of his chest, Flore shivered a space away from him, trying to keep a bit of distance between their bodies but also trying to stay attached to the bed.

"How am I supposed to sleep like this-?" He asked himself, trying to avoid the obvious solution in front of him. If it came down to it... he'd rather not, but since the room was cold and the bed was the only warm place to rest, laying up against Katakuri seemed to be the only solution.

"I really can't cross that line," Flore shuddered in fear. The thought of Katakuri waking up to see him attached to his side was mortifying. How would he react? What would he think of him?

There would be no coming back from it.

He already knew there was a sort of tension in the air after what happened out on the balcony, and was worried to add anything more to the notion that he liked the man.

But he could feel the warmth emanating over to him from the man's exposed chest, tingling at his frozen backside as a means to torture him more over what to do.

He contemplated until a harsh draft came from the doorway and through the room, hitting his exposed upper body and making him have to stifle a powerful shiver. Without any hesitation he gently flipped over towards Katakuri and pressed against him.

The sleeping man gave out an uncomfortable groan at the small gremlin leeching his heat off of him, but quieted down enough once Flore had gained enough warmth to match his own body heat.

Flore's fingertips, still frigid, trickled across Katakuri's chest to lay on him, while his body pressed against the man's side firmly so as to steal as much heat as possible.

He let out a breath of comfort, relaxing against the man with sleep now close behind.

"He can't just wake up and see this though..." Flore thought, his eyes now half opened while searching for a solution, then came up with an idea.

A few minutes later the room was full of blooming flowers, one's specifically made to produce sleep-inducing pollen into the air. With Flore being immune to his own creation's effects, he could keep Katakuri asleep until he himself woke up. He could rest and part from the man with him never knowing what happened during the night.

The room was now doused in a sweet smell, signaling the effects were now present and Flore could relax. He took the opportunity to lay closer against Katakuri, hugging him close and drifting off to sleep on his shoulder.


The next morning made itself known as the room slowly lit up, casting away the dark shadows present and stirring the two's bed.

Katakuri had slowly opened his eyes, having been woken up by the smell of something sweet and rich. When he went to lay up he found himself anchored down on his side, and turned his head over to see Flore's sleeping face over on his left shoulder.

He could now sense Flore's body pressed snuggly against his, and felt his small hand laying on the side of his chest. The gentle rise and fall he gave off signaled he was still deep asleep, and looked to be quite comfortable.

Past him and over around the room lied that of rose blooms scattered everywhere, which explained the aroma in the air that had woken him up. He figured sometime after falling asleep Flore had placed roses all over the room before laying against him, but why?

Katakuri's eyes traveled back to him, watching his sleeping face. His golden hair had become messy, strewn around his ears and eyes almost down to his nose. He was definitely asleep, and seeing as his hand was firmly holding Katakuri's chest he wasn't about to be pryed off anytime soon.

Though it made him wonder more about Flore. The way his touch was so firm even in his sleep, and how close he had pressed himself to the man's body. It was as if he had never been in a comforting position with someone and was hesitant to let them go.

"It's not like I've ever done the same," Katakuri frowned at the thought, not having been one to have ever received such comforts before either.

He thought of moving Flore before realizing that, but now felt a sense of protection over him, so as to keep him happy and close to his side for as long as he wished during his sleep. It was a pleasant feeling too, getting to be near someone else like this. It was almost nice even.

After a moment Flore stirred, bringing his body closer onto Katakuri and reaching his arm gently around the man's neck. Katakuri's face steamed at the gesture, with the moment feeling alot more romantic now and him being unsure of how to handle the situation.

He quietly looked at Flore, who had him locked in now closer. "Flore," his red face whispered, trying to stir the boy.

Between locks of blonde hair opened two emerald green eyes, blinking to life tiredly over at Katakuri.

Flore looked at him, red in the face and quiet, and noticing the sweet smell of roses in the air. In a moment it had hit him what was going on, and he recoiled away so hard he slipped off the bed and onto the floor below.

Katakuri then layed up. The parts that Flore's skin made contact with him at where now cold and uncomfortable, and had made him wish he hadn't gotten his attention now.

"Shit!" Flore grumbled, now standing and embarassed unlike ever before. He turned the roses around them into ash without sparing a second.

"I-" Flore turned away, bending down on the floor to pick up his shirt he had thrown off before getting into bed last night. "I'm so, so sorry," he apologized, with Katakuri looking over at him.


"It was just so cold and drafty and there was no space on the bed," Flore went on, hoping his excuses could save his ass. Katakuri was most definitely angry now, probably furious to wake up and find Flore attached to him as if they were lovers. "And- well you were just so warm."


"I don't know," Flore muttered to himself. "I didn't mean to insinuate anything... I didn't even mean to plant the flowers everywhere," he whimpered.

"Flore, it's alright."

The emerald-eyed man looked up and over at Katakuri in disbelief, who's unmasked figure layed up in the bed stone-faced with tints of red under his eyes.

"What?" Flore asked quietly.

"I shouldn't have left you cold like that," Katakuri looked over at him. "I'm sorry."

The gentleness in his voice moved Flore, who was momentarily stunned before responding. "No, it's ok. Really."

He then felt an awkward tension settle in the room, and nervously twiddled his fingers together. "Well besides that.... I was hoping to look around more today. Would you want to come with me?"

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