56. Will you?

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I awoke to the dark grey rays the New York sky emitted. I rubbed my eyes clear of any eye boogies and got out of bed to brush my teeth. I grab a quick robe and wrap my body with it. I walk out into the living room and don't find my team. "Guys?" No one responds so I assume they all left for breakfast.

I shrug and jump onto the comfy white couch. I get comfortable before I start hearing one of Abel's songs playing from the balcony. I jump up and walk over to the glass doors, sliding them open. There's no out here but I walk out and turn in a full circle. "What?" Confused, I hear someone call my name. I look up and shield my eyes from the sun to see Abel peering over the roof, "Come up?"

I smile at him before running back in. I quickly make it into my room and brush my hair before throwing it into a low bun. I check to see my makeup looks good and take the robe off. I smooth out the wrinkles in my pink slip gown and grab my fuzzy slippers.

I exit the hotel suite and close the door behind me before opening the access to the stairs that lead up. I open the door to the roof. "Wow." The fire pit is on, the christmas lights that wrap around the whole roof are turned on, and there's a lot of ingredients laid down on a table. I smile as I walk over to where Abel is standing.

"What's this?"


I smile at him and take the stick from him that holds a marshmello at one end. We both sit down in front of the pit. "You didn't tell me you were coming over." "Surprise!" He talks lightly as if to not ruin the calm mood we're in. I smile at him and twirl my marshmello. I wait for it to become a charred marshmello and take the layer off before putting it over the fire again.

"I got us pancakes and other breakfast." "Coffee?" He laughs quietly, "And coffee." I finish roasting my marshmello and head towards the table in order to start making my s'more. He joins me after a while and I take a seat, eating my warm snack. He finishes making his and sits next to me.

"Where is everyone else?" He shrugs and takes a sip of orange juice. "Want some?" I nod and he pours me a glass. I start setting up our food and give him the food I know he likes and give myself my own plate. "Are you cold?" He asks as I shiver lightly. "Yeah." He hands me a blanket and I unfold it. He helps me wrap it around myself before we finish eating in silence.

I enjoy his quiet company and look out over the railing to see the city. "Hey Sel?" I look up at him as I finish my plate and set it aside. "Yeah?" "Want to go sit?" I nod and get up, grabbing my blanket and follow after him. We sit down next to each other before I decide to lay my head on his shoulder and bring my knees up.

"What's up?" I look up at him as he looks down at me briefly. "What do you mean?" "You're nervous. Or scared. I don't know. Something's on your mind." He looks away as I sit up to look at him. "What?" He smiles at me, "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." He wipes his hands down the side of his pants before throwing his foot up on the couch, he props his head up on his hand and looks at me.


I laugh at him for a few seconds, watching him struggle with being nervous, "What?" That seems to break the ice and he starts laughing too.



I was nervous. Damn I was so nervous. I had never been this nervous. Unless it was right before a big show in my life that I knew I didn't want to mess up. This was like that moment right before I hit the stage, where I just looked over the crowd and prayed that I was gonna do good and make them have a good time. I couldn't mess up.

My heart was beating fast and I could hear it in my ears but I wanted this. I've been wanting to do this for a long time. "Sel... ever since I met you, I knew there was something about you that I loved. Hanging out with you is the best shit on this fucking planet." Her adorable face scrunches up in confusion as her eyebrows turn upwards. "You're the best person in my life right now."

I take her hand into mines as she looks down at us. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She looks up at me, confused but searching my whole face, "Are you serious?" I smile at her and nod my head, "Yes!" She giggles, throwing herself onto me and hugs me. I smile the biggest smile I've ever had on my face and hug her tightly. The door to the rooftop opens up and the whole crew runs in.

"Did you do it?" They run over to us, engulfing us in questions that we can't even hear. I shrug at them, waiting for them to stop. Selena just looks at me and shrugs. She smiles before she grabs my face in her soft hand and presses her lips to mines.

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