12. Meeting

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Instagram DMS:

TheWeeknd: Hey I have a question

                                      SelenaGomez: Shoot.

TheWeeknd: Would you be willing to meet up and be part of a music video? You'll only have to learn a light choreo for a club scene.

                    SelenaGomez: Are you kidding?? YES! OMG YES!! One hundred times yes!!!

TheWeeknd: 😂😂 Great we'll meet up first to go over details. Is that okay?

SelenaGomez: Okay sounds great to me! Just tell me the time and place and I'll be there!

TheWeeknd: Great how does this weekend at 5 sound? I could take you to a local coffee place?

SelenaGomez: Amazing I can't wait!!

TheWeeknd: I'll send details very soon. See you then!

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