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Jace's pov:
As quick as my precious little love had run into the room after she said she was going to get the little princess to bed, she had run off again. Magnus eyes are changing from his human ones to his cat eyed ones back and forth.
„Magnus? What did she mean by they did?" I ask her brother that still looks ready to run off and kill anyone. His hands pulled into tight fists, Alec my brother and pair of a tie try's to sooth his new found lover.
„Those rotten beings dared to hurt MY niece!" he growls out dangerously. His whole body now shaking with furry and hatred.
„Babe, Babe look at me! We will get to them for doing that! But you running off or looking like this will frighten the small girl. You wouldn't want that. Right?" Alec quietly says and caresses his back after he had pulled him into a tight hug. Slowly my brain starts to understand what he has just said. He said my niece. But Elisa has no child? On the other hand I have seen her interact with that small girl that had me wrapped around her tiny little fingers after one look in my eyes. Whatever this might mean though, I don't care! I am going to make my precious little love fall in love with me just as much as I have fallen for her. And if that means being a step dad to her daughter than so be it. I already care for said little girl anyway. With those big brown eyes that surprisingly look like one of mine she looks incredible cute and absolutely innocent. When I first saw Elisa with the tiny girl in her arms I felt like my heart has swelled even more with love for the both of them. They looked like mother and daughter, they even act like it as well. All those happy thoughts however vanish yet again at the realization that one of my two girls are now hurting badly. Because Valentine and his man dared to touch my daughter! Oh I am going to make him regret that! How dare him!? How dare anyone!?
„Jace?" Magnus suddenly asks me slightly afraid how I might react. His eyes shining in worry but also with appreciation.
„I am going to kill him and all of those assholes!" I answer with venom dropping out with every word I am saying. A hand softly squeezes my shoulder and makes me look up at him yet again.
„They will regret what they have done. But Alexander is right, we don't want to frighten her. Elisa surely has her healed up already." he explains after sighing deeply himself. Still I feel like there should be something I should do to avenge my baby girl, my little princess!
„Jace. I understand, but try to calm yourself down a bit." he repeats himself since the fire in my eyes and stomach are still burning in sheer furry. However I know that he is right so I try to concentrate on my breathing for a bit. Magnus nods approvingly at me as he sees it. When I finally am calm enough to think straight again I step a little back from the two lovebirds.
„I will see how they are doing." I exclaim and turn around to head towards my small princess room. When I started to refer to her as my princes and my little girl? I honestly have no idea! And the even more shocking thing for me, I also don't care at all! The second I saw my precious little love I knew that we belong together and the same happened as I saw my little girl. I never ever thought I would find someone i will fall in love with and even less did I thought that someone could ever love me. But with Elisa, I think I might have a real chance of having found that one person. She is simply perfect for me and I hope that I will make her fall for me as well. Maybe than I finally have a real family! My own little family. This thought alone gets me smiling like an idiot but I don't care! Not even one bit! Slowly and as quietly as I can I open the door, only to see the best and absolut cutest view I ever seen. My girls cuddled closely into each other on my princess bed. A soft glowing nightlight flying over their fast asleep body's. Carefully I get my shoes off of my feet and the Leder jacket off of my body before slowly getting onto the bed as well. After a quick contemplation on where I should lay down, I decide to take our little princess in the middle in hope to make her feel even safer than she already does with Elisa cuddling her so tightly. To my surprise my cute girl looks at me with hooded eyes.
„Jacie? You cuddling me too? Pretty please?" she slurs since she is currently more asleep than awake.
„Of course princess!" I answer her. Quickly I cuddle close behind her so she now is squished in between Elisa and me.
„Thank you." she sighs and went right back asleep. Smiling softly at her absolute cuteness! Without much thought I kiss first Elisa's forehead and afterwards my princess forehead.
„Good night my loves!" I whisper and let myself relax onto the bed myself. Now with both of them so close to me, I finally feel whole! With that thought in mind, I close m eyes and drift off into sleep as well.

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