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Elisa's pov:
Sadly or should I say as expected the silent brothers weren't able to get Clary's memory back. Even after my dear brother eased off the block they couldn't see anything.
„So that means that there is no way of finding my mum now. Right?" Clary asks with tears already running down her face. Looking towards Magnus with a silent question in my eyes. There is one other way I to find out where Clary's mum is, that i know of. It's not an easy task though and i also would need the help of him for that. The main problem with it is that only blood related people can do this type of tracking. That means that everyone would suddenly find out about our secret. A secret we have ever since we were born if I remember correctly. If this secret is going to be out in the open the possibility of getting targeted would heighten even more. We already are a thorn in many eyes since we are more powerful than others, so if the word gets out that we can bound our power together to form an even stronger magic. Well, than hell I going to break out, of that I am more than sure. Magnus seems to think the same as me since his face grinches with realization. other than this option there might be the possibility of trying in a different dimension. It at least would be safer for us. All this thinking is slowly getting me extremely tired. Guess the demon attack has taken a much greater toll on me than i thought. A wave of tiredness seems to overwhelm me.
„Are you ok? Do you want to lay down for a bit?" jace asks suddenly standing in front of me seemingly really worried for me. His hands softly holding my arms as if he is afraid I might collapse. The others also look in between me and Magnus now with worried frowns since we both look rather bad. How could I forget that he even needed to leaned some strength from alec earlier! The healing must of been very stressful for him and it also has drained his energy up nearly completely it seems.
„Magnus? Why don't you lay down as well for a bit? You look awfully pale as well." Alec softly questions my brother sounding just as worried as jace has not too long ago.
„I think that would be a good idea." I answer Jace, feeling utterly drained from the last few days but especially from the last few hours. Also with the possibility of getting our secret out in the open and even more with performing such a tiring ceremony to find out where Jocelyn is, i do need some rest.
„Let me get you to a room than." jace says with a soft smile on his lips. And that's when I for the first time really look at him. Not just brush over his face and get annoyed with his thousands of questions or demands, but really look at him. His eyes are miscoloured which suits him rather good and now with that sweet smile on his lips he looks really good. Strong cheekbones that got framed by a slight stubble of beard and his blond hair falls down his face like a wave.
„That's nice from you two but I think it would be better if we get to either of our homes. Staying here will do us no good, you after all have seen the reaction of Maryse." Magnus voices his opinion as Jace started to lead me somewhere. The three shadowhunters look at one another for a minute before Izzy smiles brightly.
„you guys are right, getting you in a room on your own won't be too wise after the scene outside. We however could hide you in one of our rooms each. No one ever goes in any of our rooms for privat reasons and you also wouldn't be alone if someone would run into it." Izzy happily explains with a twinkle in her eyes.
„Ok? So where should I be staying? With Izzy?" I ask since she is the only girl in the group. They did inform us on how they got a room ready for Clary now as well but I think she might need some room for herself for a change.
„You can stay with me. My room is farther away from the others and the closest to Alecs where I am guessing your boyfriend will be staying in." jace says and slightly hisses at the word boyfriend. If I wouldn't of been already so tired I would of laughed out loud for his assumption. Always finding it hilarious when it happens. Instead I simply lean my head on his chest which is irritable comfortable. Feels like coming home to be honest, strange!
„He's not my boyfriend." I mumble out already half asleep. They don't say anything about that, or I don't hear it, whatever.
„No funny business or I swear I am going to kill you when I got my strength back shadowhunter!!" Magnus threatens from behind me. Smiling softly at that, it's good to know that he will always have my back and fight for me.
„Come here." jace softly says against my ear and carefully picks me up bridal style. My cheeks warm up right away, feeling oddly exposed now that I am getting hold in his strong arms. What I don't get though is why I feel so safe in them? That's so unusual for me. Feeling him start to walk I wave a little in a way of telling them see you later.
„You can close your eyes precious, I got you." jace softly whispers with twinkling eyes while I still am fighting to keep mine open a little longer. Sighing softly in resignation, he is right. It is silly to try to stay awake, so I close my eyes and cuddle my head a little closer to his chest where I can now hear his soothing heartbeat against my ear.
„Shh, just go to sleep. I am going to keep you safe, no need to worry." he whispers even quieter than before. I think I have fallen asleep already since I suddenly feel myself getting lowered on a really comfortable bed. A soft sheet gets thrown over me and a warm and comfy body lays down next to me. Always being the cuddle kind of person, I turn slightly around to cuddle even closer into the warm chest.
„There you go precious!" he whispers softly. A warm hand caresses my cheeks lovingly before I feel soft lips on them as well.
„Magnus has no idea how much luck he has to have you as his girlfriend!" he sighs out sadly. And that's the last thing I hear before sleep once again overtakes me.

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