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Elisa's pov:
„Jocelyn was right! Your artristy is beyond compare!" magnus complements Clary as she finished with the pentagram.
„I don't know about that." she answers with a judging look on her drawing. Hmm, why is she so judging of her own skill? That doesn't look like at her at all...
„Oh, the other person that i have known who could draw as well was Michelangelo. Was excellent in bed I might add." he answers her with a certain gleam in his eyes as he watches Alec. Hearing him say that makes me giggle, to my surprise Izzy also wasn't able to hold her laugh in.
„Well, I can't disagree on that!" I say with a wink which makes everyone look st me with their mouths wide open in shock. Magnus in the other hand simply smirks my way.
„Everyone needs to walk around the pentagram before standing where you feel most comfortable at. And just to remind you all once again. You can't let go of your hands after the bond between us has been initiated." i instruct while taking a seat further away from them. What? You only need five people to call forth a memory demon. So why should I let someone else set this one out if I myself don't want anyone to see who I have feelings for. Magnus slyly nods my way since he knew the second we agreed on calling forth the demon that I wouldn't be a part of it.
„Why is she allowed to sit this one out?" jace wants to know with a scowl on his face. Of course he had to be the one asking that question. I only know him for one day and he already gets on my neves already!
„There are only Five People needed, it should of been obvious. After all there are only five positions to stand on." Magnus states sternly and an apologetic smile to me.
„But why." he try's again but a slap on his shoulder makes him stop right away.
„Shut up jace! They are willing to help us so let them do it on their account!" Izzy voices with finality. Smiling gratefully at her, it's one of the first times a shadowhunter ever stood up for me. It may was for a stupid statement but still I appreciate it a lot.
„Since everyone has chosen their spot let's begin." magnus says.
„We must initiated a bond. Once this bond is sealed the bond can not be broken until the demon retreats. No matter what happens! We must NOT let go of each other's hands!" My brother again reminds them before holding his hand out to Alec with a smile. After a second of hesitation he takes his hand in Magnus's and holds his other hand out to jace. This goes on until they all have formed a bond and Magnus can start to call forth the demon. Valak appears not long after and I scoot right away a little. Always had a huge dislike to that one! He loves to get your most hidden feelings out in the open. That's what he lives for.
„Valak is among us! Do not break the Bond!" magnus shouts toward the others. A dark swirling hurricane has appeared in between them. They obviously have trouble keeping on holding hands since Valak is a really strong and powerful demon.
„Hold on!" jace shouts towards a seemingly struggling Clary.
„I am trying!" she yells back completely out of breath. Hopefully this will end soon! I don't think they can hold up much longer.
„it is time, the demon demands payment!!" magnus screams once again to make sure we all hear him.
„What does it want in exchange?" Alec asks slightly worried and also pretty out of breath since Valak tries the whole time to break out of their bond.
„We must all relinquish a Memory a beloved memory of the one we love the most!" Magnus exclaims seconds before Izzy's upper body lifts slightly in the air and a memory of Alec laughing appears in the middle. Next was Clary where to not much surprise a picture of Jocelyn smiling brightly at her appears. That's how I always seem to remember her, even now with the knowledge of where she must be. Tortured and all by the hand of her husband. Still, whenever I picture her I see her just like that. A wide and warm smile on her face, maybe even with a smear of a color on her cheek since she always seems to be painting. With me thinking so deeply, I completely missed jaces turn. What however worries me is that Magnus looks at me with wide eyes. I shake my head, hoping to get myself back to the here and now completely. Just in time to see Alec's memory. An image of jace was now in the middle of the black smog. Alec's eyes widen in fright and even more so in utter disappointment.
„Alec, it's ok!" Izzy his loyal sister shouts to him. Her words laced with understanding but alec doesn't seem to even hear it. He shakes his head vehemently and muttering no all the time.
„That's not true! The demon has defeated me!" he screams in agony. I can hear the lie in his words but I understand how that's a really touchy topic for him. As I see his hands getting looser I quickly run up to him!
„Alec don't!" i shout but I am to late. Since Valak is now the closest to me though he pulls me into his tight grasp. My body gets lifted off of the floor and my breathing gets irregular.
„Magnus!" i shout out. Knowing that without help I won't be able to escape his tight grip on my own.
„Elisa! Hold on tightly! I got you!" his panic shouts echo in my head before my surroundings suddenly get darker. Maybe I should of never offered my help in this! When Valak pulls me even higher up, so i now am face to face with him I swallow heavily. His cruel and dangerous steaming blue eyes spark in joy at seeing who he has captured. And just like that, everything turned completely black.

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