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Elisa's pov:
When I finally finish with the really long explanation on what world Clarissa is now living in, she looks completely shocked. Well, I did try my best to explain it as understandable as possible. To which I do have to say, she really seemed to understand everything. Feeling a sudden shift in my surroundings I know a portal is going to open beside me. The familiar magic makes me smile, knowing Magnus is coming since I haven't called him till now.
„Elisa! Why haven't you called me as you got back in your apartment?" he slightly scolds not realizing that I have Clarissa over at my place.
„Who is that?" she asks slightly scared but relaxes when she sees me smiling at the newcomer.
„That is my most trusted friend Magnus Bane. He has known your mother as well as me. Magnus, meet Clarissa Fray, daughter of Jocelyn Fray or as we know her Fairchild." I introduce them to one another. Magnus looks irritated for a second before he smiles at her welcoming. He never trusted any shadowhunters but he did trust Jocelyn. She after all was the reason Valentine made a run for it. Without the mortal cup he had no chance against all of us. That exactly is the reason why Jocelyn has stolen the cup from him and ran away with their daughter.
„It's nice finally meeting you in person. Your mother has spoken really highly of you!" Magnus says and softly kisses her hand in greeting.
„So, if the two of you have known my mother, why aren't you helping her? You said she has gotten kidnapped.  So why aren't we getting her back before they hurt her?" she questions so brokenly it really hurts my heart. Sending a certain look to my brother he nods a little at me.
„I am assuming that Elisa has already explained our world to you?" he asks and waits for her nod before he takes a deep breath.
„Your Mother has been very brave by stealing the mortal cup from your father. It has ensured all our survival." he states, wanting her to know that her mother was a true hero. Some may not think like that, but those who know what had happened back than, know what she has sacrificed.
„The only fear she ever had was your safety. That's where Elisa and I came into the picture. She asked me to block of your memory from everything that has to do with our world. So that's what I did. Elisa had the job of keeping an eye on her, so that if something would happened to your mother, she could get to you and protect you. Your mother didn't know that the both of us know each other. At the start it was hard for her to understand who she can trust and who she can't. That's why she assigned different things to different persons." he goes on in explanation.
„But why can't we find her and get her back? I just want my mum back!" she asks already close to crying her eyes out again.
„She made me promise to not go after her! Her only plea was to keep you safe. The moment we do go after her they might get their hands on you and that was the one thing she wanted us to prevent. We are sorry Clarissa! We really are!" I answer her instead of my brother. To my surprise she hugs herself into me. It must really hurt her to come to the understanding that her whole life has changed and that her mother is in harms way. Loud ringing disturbs the calmness that has fallen over the apartment after Clarissa has fallen asleep. So quickly to not wake her again, I pick up my phone and leave the room all together.
„Hello?" i ask since it's a number I don't recognized.
„Hey, it's Alec Lightwood. Would it be possible to meet up somewhere?" the young shadowhunter asks. Sighing a little, not really happy about his call. Not four hours ago he didn't believe me on Valentine still being alive. So why would he want to meet up now?
„Why? I thought you don't believe me anyway." I ask in return. Hating to be called a liar!
„It's not that I didn't believed you. Somehow I trust you. That's why I talked with the Clave after our encounter to inform them on your theory." he says after a heavy sigh. As if I would believe him that he trusts me.... how dump does he think I am?! On the other hand, he really had a pure heart. That was the real reason why I took them along with me to the book store.
„I am afraid it's Not a theory." i tell him matter of factly. Slightly pissed for him to even say that after I told him how I wasn't lying.
„I know. The clave has informed me on how the  circle is rising again. After I told them what you have said earlier they came to the conclusion that you are right. That's why we would like to meet up to maybe talk about what we are going to do against it." alec informs me on. My eyebrows must have touched my hairline at him hearing say that! He talked with the clave and they agree with my assumption?!
„Well, good to hear that you finally realize that the threat hasn't vanished at all." I say simply to piss them off. But I do have to say that it's nice to finally being able to rub it under their noses.
„Saying that I am afraid I have no time to meet up at the moment. I however am sure that you all are capable to form a plan on your own." I add getting ready to end the call. His sudden shout of Please stopped me from doing so thought.
„We really could use some help! It's not like we wouldn't all benefit from the end of Valentine." he tries again to make me agree on meeting him. Taking a few more breaths to calm myself down a little.
„I can go if you would prefer to stay with Clarissa." Magnus says with a small shrug towards me. That idea however isn't one I like at all.
„Tomorrow around noon in the same book store as today. I will bring along a friend so you better don't try anything shadowhunter!" I state strongly much to Magnus amusement it seems.
„Alright! I will bring along my sister and Jace." he answers with no hesitation. Thinking about it he sounded pretty relieved. Well, I will find out more tomorrow at lunch. With another till tomorrow I end the call.
„So we have a date tomorrow?" he asks with mischievous eyes. Giggling at him I simply nod.
„Let's try to be nice to them. They are still young and other than the older shadowhunters they were pretty nice. Especially considering that two of them are Lightwoods!" I instruct since he has his way of running them nuts.
„Where is the fun with that? But if you really want me to be nice to them, than I will try my best. Only if they work along with us though!" he answers with a small frown.
„Thats fine with me!" i answer with a giggle. Quietly we walk back to where Clarissa is still sleeping soundly.

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