As his handsome face looked down at her, she wanted him dead, she hated his guts, his eyes were ever-changing, they were the window to his soul. She could always tell his emotions by looking at his eyes, and he was amused, smirking that he was there making her uncomfortable. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her roughly out of the tub water splashed on the floor, she let out a small yelp as her naked body was now exposed.

She tried hiding herself with her other hand.

"Michael, please, let go of me!" she tried tugging away from him, she wasn't scared anymore if he wanted to kill her he would have. He pulled her against him her wet naked skin touched his warm body making her jump as goosebumps covered her skin.

He walked her to the mirror and they both looked at their reflection. Valentina watched as Michael's eyes searched her body watching the swells of her breast and her taut stomach, the little stretch marks on her hips from giving birth to their daughter, she stood still as he was lost in her form. Watching the red marks on her hips and her swollen left wrist, he touched it causing her to flinch in pain.
Her fingers felt stiff and she could hardly move it now but the pain was hot and searing and it hit her all at once. She knew it wasn't broken but it was a sprain at least it felt that way.

"Your wrist needs tending to," he said, shocking her, she looked at his eyes as he watched her; they weren't swirling with wicked amusement anymore. They were calm, almost remorseful, and then he left her and entered the bedroom and she heard him open the door and left.

Valentina grabbed a white fluffy towel from the closet and wrapped it around herself feeling confused. Why did his eyes look so kind? Where had he gone, she walked into the bedroom slowly unsure.
When the door opened again and Micheal returned holding a first aid kit in his hand. she stared at it and then at his face trying to read his emotion. At that moment he had his eyes on her as well.

" Where is Bria?" she asked as he walked closer to her.

"She is safe with Sylva," he replied and she figured that much. He motioned her to sit on the bed and she did and he sat next to her. Taking her swollen wrist he gently traced his finger on the angry red and purple marks. She hissed in pain and tried pulling away.

"Stay still," he commanded as he opened the first aid kit and gently wrapped the bandage around her wrist

"Why are you being nice to me?" she asked quietly, his eyes slid up to hers, he watched her intensely and she wanted to look away.

" Because I need you, Bria needs you still. She is very attached to you but once she has grown accustomed to me and this place then I would get rid of you." His voice was harsh, causing her to shudder.

He stood up, grabbed the first aid kit, and walked out of the room her eyes followed and when the door was closed behind him, she looked at her throbbing wrist and started crying all over again.

I am a woman, maybe not the same woman from five years ago who he was desperately in love with but I could make him fall in love with me again. I can do that to make him love me to save myself for Bria's sake. I cannot leave her. I have to stay alive even if it was just for her. I am a woman, I could be a temptress if I wanted to with curves that he was just staring at with hungry eyes even though he tried to hide it. I am a woman and I could make him fall in love with me again. She told herself, trying to give herself hope even though she felt so very hopeless.

Valentina could not remember falling asleep but she woke up and looked at the time in the little white ceramic clock on the nightstand next to her. It read seven-thirty, she blinked trying to shake the foggy feeling from her brain. Her left wrist still throbbed but not as much as it did last night. She needed painkillers and she reminded herself to take some from the medicine cabinet before she went downstairs. The white towel was still draped over her and it slid down revealing her full breast as she stood at the edge of the bed waiting for her brain to be less foggy. Walking to the closet where her clothes were.

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