He sighed in relief and I smacked his arm lightly. "Come on, it wasn't that bad." I rolled my eyes. "No it wasn't,  it was horrible." I couldnt help but laugh out loud. I already knew that Zayaan wasnt a huge fan of amusement parks yet he still came today but on the condition that he wouldnt be going on any of the rides. However, after a bit of convincing, I had managed to make him tag along on one or two of them and it was safe to say, he didnt like it even one bit.

"Its ok, it's over now." I patted his arm lightly and he rolled his eyes. "The stuff, love makes one do." A smile formed on my face as I laid my head against his arm while eating my ice cream silently. "It's been so long since we went out like this." I muttered after a while and he sighed.

"Yeah it is. Even though I hate amusement parks, I had a good time today." He added and I chuckled lightly. "Next time I'll let you decide the place."
We both finished our ice creams after that and stood up. "Ready to go?" He questioned and I nodded.


"What are you thinking?" I questioned Zayaan. The noise of the waves crashing against the shore surrounded us as we stared at it while leaning against the bonnet of the car.

After leaving the amusement park, instead of heading home Zayaan drove towards the beach, not that I was complaining. "I'm thinking life couldnt be anymore perfect." He turned his dark gaze my way as a small sad smile formed on my face.

"But it isn't perfect." I added and he sighed before placing and arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. I snuggled into the warmth, placing my head against his chest and closing my eyes. "And it never will be. Because this is life, love and it's always filled with challenges and hurdles. The best way to get through them is to be happy and patient." He rubbed my arm soothing and I took in a deep breath.

"But you just said-"

"I did, because those challenges aside, it is perfect for me. I have a beautiful loving wife and a caring family. What more can I ask for?" He smiled down at me and I could feel tears stinging my eyes as I smiled in return.

"I wish I was as strong as you." I muttered and he chuckled. "Trust me love, you overestimate my emotional abilities." I wrapped my arms around his waist feeling a sense of safety overwhelming me.

We stood in silence for a while just enjoying each others warmth. He suddenly chuckled and I pulled back in confusion as I stared at him. "What's so funny?"

"I just remembered something." He replied with a smile on his face and I raised my brow in question. "Our wedding night." He laughed out again and I could feel the embarrassment flooding me. "I still wonder why did you threaten me with a vase?" He stared down at me question and I bit my lip nervously as I stared at my hands.

"I was scared. I thought-"

"That I would force myself on you?" He added and I nodded slowly while peeking from under my lashes. There was amusement on his face and he looked as if he was holding his laughter. "I would never do that to you love."

I finally raised my gaze and gave him a small smile. "I know but I didnt really know you at that time and it didn't help that you were giving me those creepy vibes." This caused his eyes to widen as he gave me a surprised look. "Creepy vibes?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you would just...stare at me all the time." This caused him to laugh out loud as he pulled me in once again. "God Inaya, what should I do with you? Though I agree it was partially my fault too but it was just hard to believe for me at that time that I finally had you beside me and that I wasnt dreaming."

I rolled my eyes at his answer. "In my opinion, at that time I really didnt like you. You would order me around and that really annoyed me." He chuckled. "Noted, next time I'll remember not to order my wife around."

"You better." I glared at him and he just shook his head before leaning down and pecking my lips leaving me frozen. He chuckled at my expression and I was pulled out of my frozen state. "Zayaan Saith, you are so dead." I gritted out and he slowly started taking steps back.

"Would it help if I say I love you?" He added hesitantly while I took steps towards him. "I'm guessing not." He spoke out before jogging backwards while I ran behind .

Considering he had longer legs, he was faster. I finally stopped as I tried to catch my breath while Zayaan laughed out from a distance. I was taking deep breaths when I felt arms wrapping around my waist. "Tired?" He spoke before settling his head on my shoulder while I leaned back against him.

I nodded my head and he chuckled lightly. "I love you." He spoke out after a while and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach fluttering. "I guess I love you too." I teased him before laughing out as he gave me a fake glare. "That's revenge for messing with me." I winked and pecked his cheek. He shook his head with a smile before holding my hand.

"Come on, let's go home."
And well that's the ending of Falling for Him. I'm going to miss these both so much. Also I didnt mention alot about the other characters because the story was about Inaya and Zayaan so I wanted to finish it with them both.

I might write some extra chapters with scenes that I couldnt add in the book, different POVs and much more. They might be short chapters or even long ones but let's see what happens.

But for now, this is the end and I really hope you all enjoyed this book.<3

Love ya all:)

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