She undressed and stepped into the shower. She washed her hair and body and turned the shower off. She dried herself with a towel and put on her clothes. She brushed her hair and smeared ointment on her face. She walked into the main room and grabbed her phone and her box thank the lord for earth. She thought as she walked out her room. She stepped into the hallway and stopped the closest stormtroopers "Do you know where the pool is?"

A black door slit open. Amida thanked the trooper and stepped inside. The room was rectangular. The only place you could stand without getting wet was the small square in front of the door. The rest of the floor was water. The floor and walls were made of black metal, just like all floors and walls on the ship. Silver beams hung beneath the high black ceiling.

Amida put her box and telephone on the floor and took off her shoes and socks. She turned on the box and reached for her phone. She plugged in her phone with the box and turned on her playlist.


Amida hummed and lay down her phone. The slowed down music echoed trough the room. Amida looked around she stopped at the sight of the metal beams. It was a high jump, so why not try it? Amida took a few steps back before running towards the pool. She placed one last step on the platform and she jumped high, a normal person wouldn't have reached it. Amida was lucky to know about the force, she only had it for a short period and she had no training at all.

The late nights with Maz helped her understand the force. She helt on to one of the beams, hanging on to them. She moved her legs back and foreward. After a couple swings she let go of the beam and hooked her legs around the beam. She hung upside down. She closed her eyes and breathed in and and out.

When I'm around slow dancing in the dark.

Amida became one with the force, the water surrounding her giving her energy. She slowly unhooked her knees and flowed in the air. She slowly turned around and sat in a meditation pose in the middle of the air when the beat of the song dropped.

Give me reasons we should be complete
You should be with him, I can't compete.

She smiled and let her body feel free in the air. Little water drops flew around her while she breathed. She let all her thoughts and emotions run free. She let her mind go black, the only thing in her mind were the lyrics of the song. A tear escaped her closed eye.

She thought of Han Solo and Chewbacca. She thought about Rey and Leia, and Poe and Finn. About the people she could trust, or grow to trust but also about her new family. Daniël, he really was her twin brother, she could see it in everything they did.

The way the talked, the way they understood. And then her father, she hated him, she wanted to hate him. She cared, and she didn't understand that. Why care for him, he killed Han. Deep down Amida could feel he regretted it, but it didn't change the fact that he did it.

Can't you see? I don't wanna slow dance. In the dark.

Suddenly Amida's face was splashed with water. She opened her eyes and saw Daniël standing and the edge of the pool. He was smiling wide and he watched her react "What the fuck?" She asked shocked, Daniëls smile faded at her poor reaction. He didn't know her that long, but well enough to know that she didn't take shit like that.

Amida slowly placed herself on the ground next to Daniël "What are you doing here?" She asked, Daniël shrugged "I had nothing to do so i walked around the hallways, then i heard loud ass music and went into the room to see who it was" He explained, Amida frowned and he sighed

"It was you with the loud music, really you can hear it at the other side of the ship" He said pointing to the door. Amida frowned deeper "What?" Daniël asked confused "What's on your shoulder?" She asked while reaching out towards him. Daniël looked at his arm "I see nothing-" Amida took her change and pushed him in the pool.

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