The First Step

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I woke up and Blake already was gone like a bloody ninja. Apparently Summer had rolled over on her sometime during the night though because she was now snoring adorably where Blake had been. So much for spirits not having to sleep.

I turned to see Gray and Oliver rubbing their eyes.

"Y'all wanna go get some breakfast?"

They nodded. Then Gray speaks up groggily.

"I haven't found my pj I'm going shirtless until after I shower."

I looked over at Oliver.

"All in favor of a shirtless breakfast club?"

Gray grunts and raises his hand. Oliver shrugs and raises his hand too.

"Motion passes unanimously. We are now the shirtless breakfast club."

We all just stood up and started to walk out of the room. Then an energetic redhead caught my attention.

She yells at a Chinese looking guy with black hair and a pink strip in it.

"Wake up, lazy butt!"

She dashes to the side like she's on speed.

The guy gets up with a groan as the redheaded drug addict hounds him.

I shook my head and left with the other two guys. As we walked to breakfast, I could tell there were a lot of female eyes on us, and it wasn't just first years either. Girls I hadn't seen yesterday or last night we're licking their lips at the three of us as we waited in line for food. I leaned over to Oliver.

"I'm starting to lose track of if we're the food or that is."

I gestured at the food we were about to reach and he chuckled nervously.

"Yeah man, I'm used to being stared at because I'm a Faunus, but this feels like I'm their prey. Honestly I don't know what feels more nerve racking."

I chuckled. Then I pointed over to Gray who didn't have a care in the world.

"Maybe we should take a page out of the stripper's book and just not give a crap. I mean, we worked hard for this look, we should be proud of it right?"

He shrugged.

"I guess so man. I'm just not used to humans staring at me without hostility."

I patted his shoulder.

"Well keep showing these thirsty women your bare chest and you'll get used to it bud."

Summer, who definitely wasn't a morning person today, snorted at this.

"Yeah and if you keep doing it Y/n I'll be able to have an entire shipping tournament for you and every available female in the school."

I just scowled at her and went back to getting a plate full of food.

Our breakfast was relatively silent, but the staring didn't decrease, in fact if anything, it got worse. So I was quick to return to the ballroom.

When I got there, The two from before were readying themselves. Redhead is brushing her hair and still chattering while ninja dude is tightening the strings on his sleeping bag.

I walked over and started rolling up my sleeping bag.

The redhead starts talking as Oliver and Gray silently started packing up their shit too.

"We've been friends for soooooooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well, not "together-together..." Not that I'm not saying that you're not handsome; you are handsome, but that'd just be weird, right?"

Storm of Roses: Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now