My innocent Fiancé.

Start from the beginning

"Sorry." Magnus mumbled, still frustrated from the baseless news. "Should we make us official?" He asked out of the blue making Alec snap open his eyes and look up at him who was cherishing the feeling of being caressed.

Alec bit his lip as he took his other hand, intertwined it, and started playing with his fiance's fingers. "You mean holding a press conference?"

"Yes, are you comfortable with that?"

"Honestly, no. Don't take it in the wrong way, but telling the world feels too much right now. We're not married yet, and if the word reaches out to wrong people, they'll ruin everything we have, especially your ex Camille Belcourt. I don't mean that we're not strong enough but you know well how they'll literally dig out the graves and shove it on our faces wherever we'll go. They'll keep asking you about marriage, the details about it, hell, they'll even reach our wedding destination without our knowledge. You know I don't want that, I want a peaceful happy wedding without any hurry. And the world won't let us do that."

After a long thoughtful silence, Magnus finally spoke. "So what are you suggesting?"

"Let's just tell the people who already know we're dating about our engagement personally. Like my university or a few of your directors or fellow choreographers. As for the big announcement, they'll know the day itself when we'll get married or after our honeymoon. At least that bitch of your ex will stop stalking you then."

"So only the people close to us will know. I'm okay with that." Magnus leaned down to kiss his fiance when a bright smile appeared on his face. "Though I still have a question for you."

"Mmm..." Alec leaned forward to grab those lips again when Magnus broke the kiss, forming a cute pout on his face. "That is?" He finally asked when Magnus went reluctant.

"Why do you have to work tomorrow? It's Sunday! Can't your students live one day without you?" He whined.

"It's not that Magnus, it's kind of a revision session as there are few late entries for this batch. They are new, so I need to introduce them to the class and let them know what they missed so that the classes can run smoothly from Monday."

Magnus sighed and shook his head. "No doubt all your students love you so much. You're way too lenient."

"Nope, I'm strict but in my own way."

"You mean in your sassy way. I remember when you brought one of your full of attitude students here just to make him eat Isabelle's cooking as a punishment. Damn, I can never forget his face." Both men burst into laughter but it died down from a clearing of throat.

"Mr. Lightwood Banes, the dinner is ready."

"Coming, Mrs. Williams." Magnus said, picked up his fiance bridal style, and left for the dining room.


*Next day*

*Alec's online class*

"Good morning, class. Dean, don't eat burger first thing in the morning. Put that down. Finn, you too, put the coke away." Alec sighed while adjusting the iPad.

"Sorry, sir." They both said in unison while the other kids suppressed their laugh and there was a yell of 'thank you Mr. Lightwood' in the background making everyone crack a laugh and Finn groaned in his seat.

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