Fuck Love, She's a Bitch

Start from the beginning

"Ugh I know, you're ridiculous. I couldn't even make it look like your fault."

"You did this on purpose." Piper was the first to make the realization.

"You bitch," the fear in Annabeth's voice had turned to pure rage, "I did everything right, I made sure we wouldn't have to worry about anything until we were old enough. All I wanted was to have a normal life without any godly interference. Haven't you done enough to us? Haven't we done enough for you?"

"Listen we can talk about this."

"No. We won't be talking about anything. Get out and fuck you very much." Annabeth was just inches away from the goddess' face.

"Very well, have a good evening ladies."

As Aphrodite poofed away in her usual cloud of pink smoke, Annabeth's legs finally gave out and Piper just barely caught her before they both collapsed on the floor. Piper held Annabeth as she sobbed into her shoulder just letting everything sink in. All the emotions and thoughts were overwhelming and it took a while before Annabeth pulled away from Piper to look her in the eyes.

"What am I going to do?" She looked at her friend, desperately hoping that she would have a simple answer but knowing that she wouldn't.

"I don't know Annie, I'm so sorry." Piper said, looking as hopeless as she felt.

"It's ok Pipes, I was more asking myself. It's like I don't know anything anymore. I had my whole life planned out you know. Move to New Rome with Percy, study architecture, get married, maybe have kids. Now...I don't even know. I guess I get to do the kids thing, whether I want to or not." She said bitterly.

"I know this wasn't exactly the plan but you have options. I'll help however I can, just let me know what I can do."

"Well I suppose you could go find Will?"


"Yeah, I just want his opinion. Maybe he can tell me what to do?" She sounded a little to calm.

"Ok, Annie I'll go get him."

"Thanks, and Piper..."


"Don't say anything Percy, I want to tell him myself."

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of it." She gave her a sad smile, "I'll be right back, you sit tight okay."

"Okay," Annabeth fell back against the bed squeezing her eyes shut in an attempt to stop the tears that were already rolling down her face.

Piper arrived towing Will behind her 20 minutes later, just as Annabeth was beginning to compose herself.

"Sorry it took so long Annie, Will and Noco snuck off to the forest and I had to go drag them out," Piper looked like she had run for the entire 20 minutes it took to find them.

"It's ok Piper, really, I can wait for a few minutes." In reality she was quite relieved that it took so long to find Will. It gave her some time to herself to think.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on here," Will looked extremely confused and concerned, "Piper dragged me out of the forest like the world was on fire. Are you sick, injured, I thought someone had died!" She looked at Piper, not quite ready to say it out loud and hoping that she would get the message.

"She's pregnant." Will whipped his head around to look at Piper, then back again to Annabeth.

"Seriously." Piper nodded and Annabeth buried her face impossibly further into her knees.

"Ok, um, well this isn't my area of expertise do you want to go get one of my siblings? I think Jessica's been thinking about becoming a midwife."

"No thank you. I'd feel more comfortable with you."

"She doesn't want very many people to know." Piper stepped in and proceeded to explain the situation and everything with Aphrodite. By the end Will was speechless and Annabeth had started crying again.

"That's seriously fucked up, I mean haven't they messed with our lives enough. I guess making us fight their wars wasn't enough for them." Will seemed almost as angry as Annabeth was.

"Listen Will, there's no point dwelling on it now, I just want your advice and for you to tell me what to do next." Annabeth gave him a sad smile and motioned for him to sit down, "please."

"Yeah, ok," he put on his most doctor like smile and sat down, "first we need to come up with a plan. You have options so we are just going to go over those. You could keep the baby, go for adoption, or get an abortion. I know they all sound scary but you should think about it for a while. I also think you should talk to Percy before you decide. You also mentioned that you were taking birth control so you can stop using that until afterwards."

"I can't get an abortion," she said, her voice barely reaching a whisper.

"Is there any medical reason or is this just personal choice," Will questioned.

"You should definitely think about it." Piper added

"Are you kidding me," her change in tone made then flinch, "this is what she wants, if Aphrodite wants me to have this baby that's what's happening, it's not like I have a choice."

"Right," they both sigh.

"I going to go talk to Percy now, thanks for your help Will." Annabeth checked herself in the mirror and headed to the door.

"No problem, I'll do some research and get back to you ok." She heard Will's voice follow her out the door. As she walked up to Percy's cabin she ignored the stares of the campers and quickly closed the door behind. She collapsed on Percy's bed and couldn't help but feel pathetic as she cried for what must have been the hundreth time that day.

So who was expecting that. Don't worry we will be getting back to Jason in a few chapter I just have to wrap up this section. I also wanted to give a shout out to ireallylikejazz who help edit all of my chapters on all of my books. She's writing a book too so check it out. Hope you all have a great day.

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