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I hear a muffled conversation getting louder and louder, causing me to open my eyes and take in my surroundings. It took me a second to realise that I had fallen asleep at Luke's again. I sit up in his bed, rubbing my eyes with the sleeves of Luke's large navy blue sweater. I listen carefully, trying to make sense of what Luke is saying.

"I know mom- I don't know, you said I had until New Years, right?" Then there was a long pause, followed by a loud sigh. "Just give me time, mom. I haven't even told Hannah yet." I furrow my brows and decide that it was time for me to get up. I slide my short body off of Luke's bed, bending down and putting on a pair of shorts, just in case Ashton was here.

I creak his door open, trying to be as quiet as I possibly could.

When I get the door open, I tip-toe my way to Luke, who's standing in the bathroom. I get to the bathroom and see he has the door closer, so I just stand there. Listening in on his conversation with his mom.

"Because mom, I know what she'll say. . . Not to do it. She won't want me to be gone for that long."

At this point, I've heard enough. So I knock on the door. "Luke?" I say softly.

"Yeah?" He says loudly before mumbling something to his mom.

"You ok in there?"

"Is he ever ok?" I hear behind me. I turn and see a shirtless Ashton with a bowl of cereal in his hands and a smirk on his face.

Luke swings the door open when he hears Ashton. "I'm fine." He says bitterly.

I give Ashton a humored look and we both started laughing quietly at Luke, who looked like a train wreck. I watch Ashton walk into his room and swivel around to look at Luke. But when I look at him I see his face is less than amused.

"What was that about?" He says with a pang of jealousy radiating from his voice.

"What? With him?" I say pointing to Ashton's door. "Nothing, Luke. Why are you so paranoid lately?" I ask impatiently as he grabs my hand and walks us into his room.

"Its nothing." He mumbles as he closes the door behind us.

"Its obviously something, Luke. You're acting like a fucking crazy person." I sigh and scoot closer to him on his huge bed. "Luke." I say as I put my hand gently under his chin, turning his face so that he's looking directly at me. "Whats wrong?"

"It's nothing, Hannah. I promise." He moves my hand away from his face.and intertwined our fingers. "Get dressed and well go to Mike's for a bit. I'm tired of sitting around here." He smiles at me and places a gentle kiss on my lips. "Okay?"



I decided I don't want to get dressed, so now we're sitting at Mikey's and I'm in nothing but the same shorts and Luke's sweater.

"So Mikey." I say softly as I scoot closer to him, prying in his personal life as I always do. "Have you talked to that guy again?"

He leans back and sighs. "Have I talked to him? Yes. Has he talked back? No." He rubs his face and looks over at me. "I asked him to be my partner for this project thingy and he nodded so I suppose that means we're friends, doesn't it?"

"Have you guys talked about anything besides books, like, at all?" I asked while trying my hardest to fight back a laugh at how hard he was trying for this boy's attention.

"Nope." He says sadly. "He says he doesn't want friends. But, I'm not done trying, so, we'll see."

Just then Luke walks in with a bowl of Doritos and a handful of them in his mouth as he mumbles something incoherent.

"Lucas, chew first." I say, laughing at how strange Luke's been acting.

He swallows and takes a deep breath. "You guys talkin about the weird mute kid Mike likes?"

"He's not weird, Luke. Give the kid a break. You don't know even-"

"Shh!" Michael says as he puts his small hand over my mouth. Before grabbing his phone and putting it to his ear. "Hello? . . . Benn, what's wrong?" He sighs before looking at me sympethetically. "I'll be right there."

"What's goin on?" Like asks, coming and sitting down right beside me and putting an arm around me.

"Can you guys drive me somewhere? It's kind of important."

"Um, sure." I say hesitantly. I see him jump up and frantically race towards the door. "Michael." I say, grabbing him by the shoulders. "What the hell is going on?"

He sighs before giving me a troubled look. "I think Benn's in trouble can we please hurry." He says before turning around and swinging his door open, leaving me and Lyle standing there.

I turn back to see Luke holding his keys. "Shall we?"


I actually liked this chapter holy shit.

Btw Shay Mitchell is no longer Hannah, I thought Bea Miller made a better Hannah sorry not sorry.

For those who don't know who Bea is, picture on the side/top or where ever the hell it is

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