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"Coffee, black." I say repeating my order from the last week. I've been in New York almost a week and every morning it's the same routine. Coffee, shower, Michael's. Its boring, but it's better than nothing, I guess.

"Damn, following me to work now?" I hear that annoying voice call out behind me. I roll my eyes and try my hardest to forget he even exists. "Don't ignore me, Hannah Grace." He said as he walked up next to me and smiled down at me. "Not even lookin' at me now?"

The worker finally gives me my coffee and I walk away, completely ignoring Luke. I walk to my usual booth and sit down, continuing to ignore Luke. When I look up from my phone I see Luke sitting across from me with a drink in his hands. "Don't you have a job to do?" I groan.

"Just clocked out." He smiles at me before pulling out his phone and scrolling. I roll my eyes and look back at my phone, which I had been reading off of. I got a new app yesterday which lets me read any story I want. I'm currently stuck on If I Stay. I hear Luke clear his throat and I look up from my phone with an angry look on my face.

When I look up I see a familiar head of green hair. I stand and walk over and stand next to him to see him sitting across from his weird Asian friend. "Michael?"

He looks up and smiles at me. "Hannah!" He stands and hugs me before dragging me back down into the booth with him. "Sit." I sit close to him, but not too close. "What're you doing here?"

"Coffee." I stated simply, raising my cup slightly.

"You sure it wasn't to visit Luke?" He asks with humor in his voice.

"Hell no it--" I began talking but was interrupted by a third voice.

"It totally was." I look up above our heads to see Luke's face atop the back of our seat.

"Nobody invited you, Lucas. Go away." I say though gritted teeth.

"Nobody invited you either, Hannah Grace, yet here you are." He steps out of the booth he was previously sat in and walked over to ours, taking a seat next to Michael's friend.

I give him a look that made it obvious that if I could, I'd be strangling him right now. "Has anyone ever told you that you're the most obnoxious human being in existence?" I say bitterly.

"Has anyone ever told you that it's extremely obvious that you like me?" He smirks and I turn my head.

"How so?"

"Well," He begins. "Every time you see me you immediately blush." He says and I feel my face heat up. "Exactly. Not to mention no matter how much you say you don't want to, you end up talking to me."

He smirks at me and my face heats up as I feel everyone's eyes on me. I stand up walk out of there as fast as my short legs would let me go. I don't even realise how fast I'm going until a stranger bumps into me and I nearly fall over. I groan and slow down to a normal pace. It doesn't take long for me to get to my building and walk up the familiar concrete steps. When I get to the elevator I slide down and groan again, still embarrassed by how much of an ass Luke is. The doors slide open and I rush out, bumping into a girl I'd never seen before in the process. "Sorry about that, I'm kind of in a hurry." She says while standing up. When I try to walk away she grabs my arm. I turn to her and give her a look of confusion and anger. "You're the girl that's been hanging out with Michael, right?"

"That's none of your damn business, I don't even know you." I snatch my arm out of her grasp and turn to walk away. But of course, before I could get anywhere she grabs the end of my long sleeve shirt. I turn to her slowly, taking deep breaths to ensure I don't swing on her. "What?" I say lowly.

"I'm his ex, and I've been trying to get a hold of him. Has he said anything about me?"

As soon as I realise who this girl is I can feel my blood boil. I yank my arm back from her for the second time and give her a stern look. "Yes he has." I say with a wicked smile. "He said, you are one of the most unbearable, obnoxious, stuck up whores he has ever had the displeasure of meeting. And let me tell ya something, Sharon, you don't deserve him." I spit out the insults before turning on my heel and walking straight towards my door and swinging the door wide open. My dumb ass forgot to lock my front door in NYC. Real smart, Hannah.

I enter my apartment and slam the door behind me. I lock my door and walk straight into my bedroom. I fall face first onto my bed and lay there for a good fifteen minutes before crawling to my pillows and actually lying down properly. And it doesn't take long for sleep to completely wash over me.


A loud knocking at my door startles me and I shoot up out of bed, wondering who could possibly be here for no reason.

I slowly approach the door, being sure to make no sounds whatsoever. When I finally reach the door I look out the peephole to see Luke standing at my door. I swing it open and he looks up at me, this time without his usual obnoxious smirk. "Hey." He says quietly.

"What do you want?"

"To apologize." He says in the same hushed tone as before. "I shouldn't have called you out like that, it was wrong and I swear I didn't mean to embarrass you." He looks down at the floor, looking as sad and pitiful as ever.

"Lucas." I say suddenly, catching his attention. "I forgive you. But I swear to God if you ever try some slick shit like that again and you will regret it."

He smiles up at me. "Understood." He turns and walks to his door right across the hall from mine. He opens the door before turning to me. "Goodnight, Hannah Grace." He says with a genuine smile for once.

"Goodnight Lucas."

He shuts the door and I hear a snickering beside me. I turn to my right to see Michael leaned against his door frame. "Really?" He says while keeping a quiet chuckle in his voice.

"What?" I say cluelessly.

"Hannah, my friend, you have it bad."

"What's that meant to mean?"

"I give it a month and you two will be head over heels."


Same, Mikey. Same.

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