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I walk gently past Ashton and make my way across the hall to his and Luke's door. When I turn around I see Ashton walking down the hall towards the elevator.

"You aren't coming?" I say kind of quietly, secretly wishing he hadn't heard me.

He turns and shoots a grin my way. "You two doing... whatever it is y'all are about to do? Last thing I'd ever want to hear." He chuckles and turns back towards the elevator.

Before he gets all the way there, I stop him. "Hey, um, Ashton?" I say a little louder this time. He comes to a slow stop and slowly turns to face me, eyebrows raised. "He's hiding something from me, isn't he?"

He chuckles again and slowly shakes his head. "That's none of my business, princess." He smiles widely to himself and walks into the elevator, pleased with his response.

"Nobody likes mixed signals Asht-" I start to say ask I turn back to the door before I'm stopped by running into a solid force. I look up to see Luke standing in front of me with his eyebrows raised. "Oh, hi." I say before standing on my tip toes and kissing his lips gently.

He furrows his brows and crosses his arms. "I thought you were mad at me?"

"Would you prefer that I was mad at you?"

"Not particularly."

"Then shut up." I say before pecking his lips once more and pushing past him, inviting myself in. "So what is it you-" I trail off when I see an older blonde woman sitting on Luke's couch, passed out. I turn around and give Luke a creeped out look. "Ok babe if you're into old ladies that's cool but I don't get down like that."

He rolls his eyes and walks past me. "Mom, c'mon get up." He taps the woman and she sits straight up and starts swatting him.

"What? What happened?"

"You fell asleep again." He says blandly, almost emotionless. "Hannah, this is my mom, Liz." He says pointing to the woman, he walks over to me and wraps his right arm around my shoulder. "Mom, this is my girlfriend Hannah."

She makes a weird squealing noise and stands up. "It's so good to finally meet you!" She reaches is and shoves Luke out of the way, hugging me tightly. "Luke talks about you constantly, I was wondering when I was finally gonna meet ya!"

"Um, you too?" I say awkwardly.

"I don't know why Luke always says you're so mean, you seem lovely!"

"Looks can be deceiving." I hear Luke mumble as he looks down at his phone.

I give him a rude look and a smirk grows on my face, and I turn back to his mom. "Yeah, I mean, Luke told me you were a crazy bitch, but you seem great!"

I see Luke's head shoot up and Liz turns over to him and begins scolding him. I yell out that I'll be back later as I laugh my way out of the door, bumping into Ashton on my way out. "Oh. Hey." I say with a laugh.

"Hey." He says blandly. "Liz still here?" I nod my head and he groans loudly, clearly annoyed. "Do you have any plans?"

I think about what Luke said and instantly start boiling before I feel a wicked smile playing on my face. "No, why?"

He looks around and sighs heavily before grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him. "Cmon, I can't be here with her."

I stop dead in my tracks and give Ashton an unamused look. "And why should I do that?"

He opens his mouth to talk but he looks past me, he then let's go of my wrist and mumbles a "Nevermind." Before turning around and walking into the elevator. "What the fuck? I just asked a simple-" I turn around as I'm telling at Ashton and see Luke standing in front of me with his arms crossed, an unamused look on his face. "Oh. Luke, hi."

"Are you finished?" He asks with no tone in his voice whatsoever. I nod my head and he slowly walks up to me, wrapping his long arms around my short figure when he reaches me. "Shes about to leave, if you wanted to stay." He mumbles into the top of my head.

"I'd love to." I mumble back into his chest.

"I love you."

"I know, Lucas. I know." I smile and look up at him.He laughs before grabbing me by my waist and lifting me up and putting me into his shoulder, carrying me back into his apartment dangling over his shoulder.


"It won't be a month before I update again I promise!!!1!!"

basically I'm a twat and I apologize.

If the shortness of the chapters bothers y'all then just let me know 👍

fall. 》 hemmings a.uKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat