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my biggest fear is u guys getting bored of me, :(


Luke's POV

(oh snap)

"Goodnight, Lucas." She says slowly as we finally approach her front door.

I lean down and gently kiss her one more time on her soft, pink lips. "Goodnight, Hannah Grace." She lets go of my hand and walks slowly into her apartment, still wearing my hoodie. I didn't mind, I like it better on her anyways.

I realised I probably looked like a total weirdo just standing in front of a girl's door smiling like a creep, so I decided I should probably go back home. I.turn on my heel and walk straight in my front door, expecting Ashton had another girl there with him, but for once, I was wrong. When I walk in he's sitting on the couch scrolling through something on his phone. Me being the suspicious person I am, decide to be nosy and sneak up behind him, reading his phone in the process. When I finally get behind him he turns around and sees me there behind him. "Everything ok, Luke?" He asks suspiciously.

"Everything's wonderful Ashton." I say in a sarcastic tone, even though I had actually meant what I said. With how well things between me and Hannah have been going, my life is amazing at the moment. Which is pretty refreshing.

"I've been thinking." He says suddenly as I reach the kitchen.

I turn around, and since we have an open kitchen I could still see that he was still sat there on his phone. "There's a first for everything." I say with a laugh as I poured a glass of some weird ass tea that Ashton had bought.

"Fuck off." He finally looks up from his phone and looks up at me. "Don't you wanna know what I was thinking about so heavily the entire time you were off running with some girl?" He says as he lays down, sprawling out across our couch.

"Sure-- Shoes off the couch." I walk by him and knock his feet off of the couch before sitting in an ugly green chair a few feet away. "What has you thinking about something other than yourself?" I say with a laugh as I drink my tea.

"I think I'm gonna ask Hannah for another chance." He says confidently. I choke on my tea and end up spitting it out all over the place like one of those cliche spit takes.

"What? Why?" I yell as I stand up and run to the kitchen to clean off my now soaked shirt.

He stands up and slowly walks over to the kitchen sink where I'm standing, wiping my shirt with a clean dish towel. "Well she's hot, and she's obviously still into me. So, why not?" He so cocky it's honestly about to make me sick to my stomach.

I sigh loudly and toss the rag into the sink. I turn and look at Ashton with one of those "if looks could kill" type of looks. "And what makes you think she isn't into someone else?" I say just as cocky as Ashton did.

"Luke? You don't seriously think Hannah likes you, do you?" I stay quiet and look down at my all black converse. He scoffs and shakes his head slowly. "She was just crying over me this morning, Luke. You think because she dragged you to some stupid 'adventure' that all of a sudden she likes you? Because shit don't work that way." He laughs and starts walking into his bedroom.

"Actually," I speak up suddenly, causing him to stop in his tracks and turn around. "I think she likes me because we've been makin' out for the last hour and a half." I smile and walk towards the front door. "Night Ashton." I call back as I walk out the front door, and he just stood there with his jaw hanging like an idiot.

I walk over to Michael's door, figuring his company is one hundred and ten percent better than Ashton's at the moment. But when I stop to knock I hear another voice and realise Michael and Calum are in there doing whatever it is they do and I'd rather not thino about that.

I put my hand back down at my side and walk next door to Hannah's door and knock on her door instead. She swings the door open about thirty seconds later and looks up at me with a warm smile. "Luke, hey." She says, obviously surprised to see me again. She looks down at my shirt and her face twists into a confused expression. "Why are you wet?" She says in her usual confused tone.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "I'd rather not." I say, laughing slightly at the memory of spitting all over myself and how cocky Ashton was. "Lets just say, Ashton's a dick."

She nods her head. "Trust me, I know. I can't stand him." She says, and as soon as the words leave her lips, a smile is brought to mine and it wasn't fading any time soon.

"Yeah, he's a douche." I say a lot more shyly than I had wanted to. I feel heat immediately rush to my face.

"You wanna come in?" She says suddenly, a smile creeping back onto her face.

"Of course." I say with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever. She steps aside ans allows me to walk inside, where I see everything's dark except a lamp beside he couch with a book under it. "Where you reading?"

She approaches me after she shuts the door. "Yeah, but, I'm glad you showed up." She says before planting her lips on mine gently. I instantly kiss her back before putting my hands roughly on her waist, pulling her as close to me as possible.

As she wraps her arms tighter around my neck, and things start to heat up we're interrupted by a knock at the door. "Are you fucking kidding me." She mumbles under her breath. "Be right back." She says before smiling and kissing my lips one more time.

She walks to the door and from my position I can't see who she's talking to, but I can see her body movements. I see her raise her arms and figured anything going on was none of my business, so I pull out my phone. Not even five minutes later I hear her yell something before slamming the door.

She comes back in and wraps her arms back around my neck, having to stand on her toes due to our significant height difference. She plants her lips roughly to mine. "Now, where were we." She says as she shortly pulls away, before returning to what we're doing before. And I realised something, Michael was right.

I'm falling for Hannah.


hope u all liked it ❤

I try to make these long but they just end up short and terribly written. but y'all like it, so that's all that matters.

fall. 》 hemmings a.uDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora